Dubstep speakers setup


Sep 22, 2014
Hi guys, have $500 for a speaker system and am looking to get some good dubstep speakers. I know that I will probably need to buy a subwoofer with my speakers. What do you guys recommend I with $500 and under. $500 is my absolute top and I will mainly be listening to heavy bass drops and a lot of dubstep songs.

Thanks for any help :)
for a 13x13 foot room (4x4m) bookshelf sized speakers (which are fairly lound and fairly boomy) would be ideal and might allow enough budget for a subwoofer (just maybe... since its a tight budget).

however, floorstanders would certainly be louder and muchmore boomy (depending on model), even without a subwoofer.

an amplifier is all you really need however the prices on decent amps (other than the low level junk you find everywhere) are typically high enough that a receiver almost makes sense. keep in mind that many amps such as the ones by lepai often list wattage for the easiest to power speakers. for instance you might find a 2x100w amp from them for cheap but at 4ohm which they dont list in easy to find locations. at 8ohm which...
what is this going to be hooked up to? pc?
do you have any existing equipment like amps, receivers ,etc?
are there any space constraints where you cannot fit large speakers?
what size room?
country of origin? i'm guessing usa?

my guess would be about $200 can be spent on a receiver if you get a good deal (which is getting rather lucky and waiting for sales) which leaves $300 for speakers and/or subwoofer.

if all you want is sheer volume for about $100-130 you can get a pair of sony f5000 floorstanders and get a in-budget subwoofer and kick out some rather booming bass.

if you wanted perhaps a bit more quality sound without a subwoofer (floorstanders have decent bass on their own) you may want to use pioneers sp-fs52 floorstanders at $260/pair

another model to look at are the polk tsx 440t if you can manage to find them on sale as they are known to have fair bass.... otherwise the 330t are in budget.

if you wanted bookshelf speakers.... then you can get them as well but might want a subwoofer since bass levels will not be as strong as floorstanders will be.

as for receivers you really dont have much choice if you want your budget... probably one of the cheaper ones would be something like the str-dh540 or 550 from sony which pump out a fair bit of juice for the price. you could go with other brands as well but many arent listed for anywhere near 100w at that price range which you'd want if you went with floorstanders.

This will only be used to play music to a PC. I am also mainly lookiing for quality sound with crazy bass. I want it to be able to handle good bass drops and it needs to be very loud. Any other suggestions?
Room size is 4 metre x 4 metre.
No existing equipment

And do you need to have a receiver? And what are the benefits of having one?
for a 13x13 foot room (4x4m) bookshelf sized speakers (which are fairly lound and fairly boomy) would be ideal and might allow enough budget for a subwoofer (just maybe... since its a tight budget).

however, floorstanders would certainly be louder and muchmore boomy (depending on model), even without a subwoofer.

an amplifier is all you really need however the prices on decent amps (other than the low level junk you find everywhere) are typically high enough that a receiver almost makes sense. keep in mind that many amps such as the ones by lepai often list wattage for the easiest to power speakers. for instance you might find a 2x100w amp from them for cheap but at 4ohm which they dont list in easy to find locations. at 8ohm which most good speakers are, it might only put out 50w on paper. then factor in that they have very high distortion above a certain level which cuts your power down to perhaps 30w. would it work? perhaps, but you might not get super loud volume levels and it might not handle the bass drops.

in short, an amp (sized according to your speakers) would work fine if you can find one decent and rated accordingly. however, a receiver might be cheaper depending on what is available to you.

another option would to buy powered loudspeakers such as the ones used for concerts and bands. they will get plenty loud and some models are available for a fair price. since they are powered (have an amp inside them and a power cord) they dont need an amp.some models should be able to connect with just a 3.5mm cable to 2x mono cables and a 1/4" (6.3mm) mono plug adapter.

quality is going to be alot better on hifi/home theater speakers... but for loudness the larger band speakers are going to be better.

i do think that either band speakers or floorstanders are going to be overkill for such a small room though. but that is your choice.

Ok thanks for the help but I have been looking at the Sony speakers you recommended me to and they look quite good actually. What type of subwoofer would you recommend with it?

I also have a sony reciever with my old HIFI system would that work?
we have a pair of sony ssf5000 in the other room. they are rated for 150w max power @ 8ohm if i remember. i'd say you should have at least a 75w (pref 100w) per channel amp at 8ohm if you want high volume levels. i'm not sure what your old hifi receiver is rated for.

they are rather boomy as is, without a subwoofer so you might not need one. sony does make subwoofers if you wanted to buy a matching set but you could use any brand of powered sub really since the sony models seem a bit underpowered. i'm in a 13x13ft room (i use satelite speakers though so a sub is needed) and i really like the kick of my 450w though a 350w is more than enough. i'd suggest perhaps something at least 250 if you want a good strong kick but thats your call.

Ok sounds good but what subwoofer would you recommend with those speakers?

Ok I am almost positive that I will buy the sony floorspeakers and probably without a sub because Ii reckon they could give me the bass I want. So now I just need a hand with the other setting up part cables etc. Sorry if this is a drag bbut I am very new to this stuff.

Thanks :)
from memory the sony floorstanders are max 150w @ 8ohm. your amp that you buy is likely going to be 100w @ 8ohm max (to get more is going to be much more pricey) 100w is fine and will get you loud volume levels.

you will need speaker wire for them to connect from amp to speakers. see this guide http://inwallspeakers1.com/speaker-wire-gauge-guide/ to pick the right size wire for you. look under the 8ohm column and go by the length of the run you will be making. generally going a bit heavier than required is fine and even thicker stuff isnt too bad on prices. i bought a whole 100ft spool of 14awg speaker wire for only $30 at lowes so prices arent terrible. technically i didnt need 14awg but it was the same price best buy charged for like 20awg wire so i jumped on it. http://www.lowes.com/Search=speaker+wire?storeId=10151&langId=-1&catalogId=10051&N=0&newSearch=true&Ntt=speaker+wire#!

Ok, and you just twirl them around don't you? One other thing is I have some of those types of thing left over from my sony hi fi system with the speaker wire but on the end is a different output that connects to the stereo. Reckon I could use those and connect them to my sony stereo? And could yoiu recommend me a amplifier I have no idea what I need to buy in that line I searched it up and it came up with all sorts of weird things. Thanks
generally there are two different types of connectors.

spring clips (the ones you push the wire into holes) for those you twist the ends of the wire then put them in.

binding clips (the ones which screw out with a hole through the post) for those you can do the same as above but the wire goes through the side of the post and you tighten the nut down onto them. these also accept bananna clip ends too.

i'm not sure what gage wire your sony hifi had. chances are if they were small speakers its very light and not worthwhile to use. with speaker wire as cheap as it is, i'd just get some new stuff. if its the right wire gage (written on the wire so you can tell) you could re-use it though likely.

Ok and what about a reciever and amplifier. Could you send me a link maybe to two cheap ones you recommend. I am very confused on that part. Thanks :)
large bookshelf and floorstanding speakers require a decent amount of power to drive. your average under $100 equipment just is not going to work very well.

we personally use one of these http://www.amazon.com/Sony-STR-DH540-Receiver-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B00BHC7ZT4 which we bought for $200 new. it pushes out about 100w @ 8ohms so is about where it should be for power. it has tons of hdmi and other connections and supports up to 5.2 systems which means its upgradeable. not a bad deal for the price. since its only about $50 more than the stereo receivers (below) it makes sense to get unless you know for a fact you will never use the features like hdmi, optical or upgrade to a surround set.

most 5.1 or 7.1 receivers in the $200 price range only put out 50-70w which while it would work is going to be less than ideal and might struggle a bit at higher volumes.

also of note are stereo receivers (such as below). the problem is that many do not support hdmi and some dont support optical. this means upgrading or using such a system with a tv or other tasks is going to be a no-go. they also arent upgradeable to a bigger surround sound set in the future and basically need to be replaced at that time. your call whether or not they will work for your needs but hdmi or optical will give you the best sound (unless you have a good soundcard)

there is a 2.1 model http://www.amazon.com/Sony-STRDH130-Channel-Stereo-Receiver/dp/B006U1VH2S/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1411853486&sr=1-1&keywords=2.1+receiver also available which is cheaper but has almost zero features which makes it not very upgradeable.

another one http://www.amazon.com/Yamaha-Natural-Stereo-Receiver-R-S201BL/dp/B00F0H88SY/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1411853948&sr=8-3&keywords=2.1+receiver with similar lack of hdmi and optical meaning rca connections only and it relies on your soundcard or onboard. as with the previous it would be best with a good soundcard.
most receivers in the $200 price range dont offer

likewise you can avoid receivers completely and just get an amplifier, however for under $200 you will be hard pressed to find anything half decent as you will find only pyle and other cheap brands. these often are rated much higher than they can actually perform and have horrible distortion at higher volumes/wattages. most of your big names in audio really push for receivers or stereo receivers on the cheap end so if you're looking for just an amp it may be worthwhile to get a stereo receiver like the above two instead.

my personal preferences however are for a receiver with hdmi, optical and all the goodies like the strdh540 since if you ever change your mind about what you need to use the system for... you could always use it for another task. for instance if you added 2 bookshelf rears,a center channel and a subwoofer you'd have a nice living room set in a few years. if you went with a stereo receiver its always going to be just stereo and have connectivity limitations.

your call of course.

Ok thanks for all of the details but I like the look of the http://www.amazon.com/Sony-STRDH130-Channel-Stereo-Receiver/dp/B006U1VH2S/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1411853486&sr=1-1&keywords=2.1+receiver one because I don't want to spend to much on a reciever and I have an old sony subwoofer would that also be able to connect to this? It uses the regular speaker wire stuff too. and is that all of the equipment I need to buy? The speaker wire, the speakers and the stereo?

that is an unpowered (passive) subwoofer so it would need its own amplifier as the receiver does not have provisions for this. you could re-use the control box of the micro system as an amp (provided it has a 3.5mm input) if you wanted however that would make for a rather messy looking setup. you would need a splitter on the 3.5mm output from your pc for it though (again, messy).

no, it would not be a good idea to just wire it up with the two other speakers. likely this will blow the subwoofer or damage the receiver with the additional load placed on it.