EA Says the iPad is its Fastest Growing Platform

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Jun 14, 2006
I don't understand how they're making any money off ipad/iphone games. who pays for apps/games? I have the free version of Angry Birds on my Galaxy S, but I hardly play it because it's such a simple basic game it gets boring incredibly fast. I would NEVER pay for it, and I can't understand why anyone would. There are a bazillion free apps out there to use, and the only things I would pay for if I had a tablet would be ebooks. I'd rather read an ebook, watch a video or listen to music than play a stupid simplistic game like Angry Birds any day of the week.

Are there enough stupid people out there playing mindless games for hours on end to make this so profitable? That makes my opinion of humanity in general even worse.


I'm a pc gamer and this doesn't bother me a bit. The fact these games are so simple and quick to make means the MTTB (mean time to burnout) will also have an accelerated rate. The hardware and interface limit the type of content you can deploy. This also means everyone will copy each other at a faster rate as well. People will more and more look for the free products b/c there being so much doubt about the quality and lasting enjoyment.

It's a very bright light that'll burn intensely for a time, but ultimately run out of a fuel faster than any other platform... I suspect an epic meltdown in a short time.


May 30, 2007
Interesting comments. Personally, I never understood the fascination with smaller hand held gaming devices and "dumbed down" games - until I watched small children. They seem to like it a lot.


Aug 5, 2009
[citation][nom]A Moody Watermelon[/nom]OK, EA, that´s enough jokes from you. I know, as a big company supporting many games that have a huge fanbase, it´s hilarious to dumb them down to reach bigger audiences, and look at percentages and say ´perhaps we should just f*** the PC', focusing on gaming on iPads instead of gaming consoles/PC's, and generally trying to develop great games backward until they are so dumbed down in so many ways that Angry Birds will be considered a more hardcore title than Battlefield and Mass Effect etc.It's all jokes, right? We've had a lot of fun, now you'll get back to supporting good games again and 'ambition' won't be a taboo any longer, right? ...right?(I understand... 'dumbing down' is financially a very good choice. Is there anything we gamers can do to make companies make better and more ambitious games? I mean, we should be able to do SOMETHING, but looking at franchises like CoD and AC, and perhaps most franchises nowadays, it really seems the money is better invested in marketing than in ambition... not only does it sell better, gamers and game critics alike seem to prefer it that way.)[/citation]

please define dumbed down, because people are starting to equate dumbed down (see morrowind to oblivion move) to just not pushing graphics to the limits.

i despise games being dumbed down, but i could give a f*** if the graphics are those of 10 years ago.

lets say that you have a button for opening doors, ect... something that can all be handled with 1 button. some people would love to have to use the whole keyboard unnecessarily, many others would love it to be more streamlined. thats not dumbed down to me.

[citation][nom]SteveLord[/nom]iOS games are really just mindless timesinks for when you're on a plane, sitting in a meeting or waiting at the doctor's office.[/citation]

you realize you just insulted puzzle games at large right?

[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]^ EA doesn't make anything... they merely fund the great companies like BioWare, who produce the mind-blowing titles like Mass Effect, market it and take most of the profits. The "games" that they DO make, however, are repetative boring casual fillers... like the new NFS that comes out every year, EA "Sports" games and other junk. I'm looking at my desktop right now - at its right half, where the game shortcuts hang out - and realise that half of the titles there are made by BioWare, three by CryTek, and few by other companies - Infinity Ward, Avalanche, Relic... yet somehow the EA logo made its way into 90% of these games' intro movie sequences. Good for business, though.You know, I might just agree with you... nothing delivers as much as BioWare. If they have to release 1000 crappy tablet games in order to fund another kick-ass series from BioWare, why not?[/citation]

mass effect 3 was going ot be out this yea, but got pushed back to dumb it down, make it more main stream, and add multi player.


Jul 10, 2011
EA's iPad business is booming thanks to their re-engineering of classic titles and the somewhat-shoddy ports of some of their PC titles to the platform. When they have run out of old games to re-work and people realise that the ported versions are actually pretty crap the sales will probably settle-down and be no more of a boon for them than any other


Jul 4, 2001
Yeaaa... as others have stated, EA is full of shit. They may fund Bioware who makes great games now, but that will quickly end end soon enough as they suck the soul from the company. EA now has their own digital distribution service and they are all about profit per game sold, not net profit as seen by the removal of Crysis 2 and Dragon Age II purchases from Steam all so they can keep the middleman profits for themselves and control future DLC proffits as well as control any 'sale' discounts down to the craptastic 50% off with a several hour time frame that I have seen on the EA store vs Steam deals lasting a minimum of a day, and regularly going in the 75% range depending on the title and age.

I can see why they would also prefer the I-stuff to release minimalistic low cost/high profit games enjoyed by casual gamers who are new to the gaming scene and are only interested in being entertained for short periods of time. Though soon EA will tire of the Apple control since they will not be able to circumvent Apple as they wanted to as with Steam to release DLC that they can fully control the price of and rarely offer a discount (see Apple's current ban on the non apple e-book store imbeds in the current i-apps).


Jul 4, 2001
Ok, the EA/Origin store is actually running a decent sale on the old crap now, but I personally didn't see any game I wanted to buy, nor any EA game I have bought in the past on that sale list. So that still makes it a fail in my book.


Mar 4, 2010
[citation][nom]torque79[/nom]Are there enough stupid people out there playing mindless games for hours on end to make this so profitable? That makes my opinion of humanity in general even worse.[/citation]
Are there enough stupid people out there making dumb comments.........yeah I guess there is.

My kids haven't touched their PS3 or Wii in ages since I gave them our old iPhones to use for gaming and music. For the price of a SINGLE title on a console I can easily get 20-30 smaller titles on iOS. They might be simpler games, but the TOTAL amount of entertainment and play time you get from these apps is better than a single title.

The best part is YOU ONLY PAY ONCE. Apple allows you to install an app on all the iPhones/iPods/iPads in your house and you don't need to pay for additional copies. And at $0.99 to $1.99 for most titles, if I buy one and my kids don;t like it I only wasted the price of a coffee. Dropping $60 on a PS3 game that your kids never play really pisses me off.

I remember gaming back in the 80's. Early games had horrible sound and lousy graphics (I remember when VGA was a huge upgrade). But the games were very entertaining because the developers concentrated more on gameplay than on the flashy stuff.

WIth iOS having limited functionality (compared to a gaming rig) developers have to concentrate on making the games appealing on other areas. Just because there's no keyboard or joystick doesn't mean a game can't be highly entertaining. I'd rather have quality ggameplay and clever design over graphics any day.


Mar 10, 2011
[citation][nom]ericburnby[/nom]I'd rather have quality ggameplay and clever design over graphics any day.[/citation]

That's why I like Mass Effect. But there's a limit to this... can't compare a simple-minded tablet game to a real PC/console one (see, I'm even ready to ally myself with consoles to oppose this junk, lol).

And, hell, I'm so tired of people comparing games but their price... surely ME2 costs $50 and Angry Birds $2 or something, but I won't even touch the former and would play the latter for weeks. Now, where there's more entertainment?

And the "old games" were entertaining - for their time. I still remember playing 2D stuff like Mario and Prehistoric 2, and it was great - until better games came out. Tablets are coming back to what we had 15 years ago and call it innovative gaming.


Mar 10, 2011
surely ME2 costs $50 and Angry Birds $2 or something, but I won't even touch the former and would play the latter for weeks

Roflmao, the tablets are emitting mind control rays... supposed to be other way around (i.e ME2 for weeks, Angry Birds = no touch). How embarassing... and damn Tom's Guide doesn't allow editing comments... epic fail :D


Aug 22, 2007
Well that's just fine. EA can keep it's sub-par DRM infested crap on the iPad. I'll stick with the PC as the always superior gaming platform!

You can edit by clicking "Read the comments on the forums" which takes you from the news page to the forum proper ... there you can find your post and edit out the comments you made about my mum !!



Good luck milking the ipad customers EA, make your mother's proud.
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