Editing offline with Box or OneDrive - will it be uploaded?

My company uses both Box and OneDrive. What I want to be able to do is to mark some files available for offline use, edit them offline, and have the changes synched back automatically when I am back on line. When I read the documentation for either app (Mac, Android, and/or Windows), they refer to offline files for reading.

Is there a setting to have offline changes synched back online when a connection is made? Can I just upload the edited file over the original, even though that will break the merge feature if anyone else edited it online? What is the flying speed of an unladen swallow?
Can I just upload the edited file over the original, even though that will break the merge feature if anyone else edited it online?

Yes, but as you note, this may have major impacts.
Multi-user editing is a sticky concept. For people editing the same document at the same time, who wins?

You can upload/sync your version, but whomever got there last will win. Your changes are potentially/probably gone.

SharePoint handles it via Checkout. You can check something out, then no one else can check out the same file for editing, until you check it back in.

Or, in the case of editing a line item...it warns you. "Someone else has also changed this. Do you want to discard your changes, or do you want to blow away their stuff (and piss...


Can I just upload the edited file over the original, even though that will break the merge feature if anyone else edited it online?

Yes, but as you note, this may have major impacts.
Multi-user editing is a sticky concept. For people editing the same document at the same time, who wins?

You can upload/sync your version, but whomever got there last will win. Your changes are potentially/probably gone.

SharePoint handles it via Checkout. You can check something out, then no one else can check out the same file for editing, until you check it back in.

Or, in the case of editing a line item...it warns you. "Someone else has also changed this. Do you want to discard your changes, or do you want to blow away their stuff (and piss off the boss)?"

There is no way to slipstream both changes into one.

"The quick brown fox", simultaneous edits.
Person A edit - "The quick red fox"
Person B edit - "The slow red fox"

Who wins? Whoever saved last.