Okay, about the mercury: CFLs contain so little of it that, environmentally speaking, they more than make up for it with the amount of coal-fired electricity they save. Coal-burning plants put out more mercury than CFLs do, just by producing power. And CFLs only release mercury if they're broken. Furthermore, they don't release ALL the mercury if that happens, because as it gets used the bulb's tube actually binds up most of the mercury vapor in a form that isn't release when a break occurs.
I'm not saying it's not a problem and a health risk, I'm saying it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. It's kind of weaselly how most of the people talking up the risk of mercury in the video are actually VU1 execs or employees.
They cite a power efficiency that's pretty much the same as CFLs, but unlike their ESL a CFL can be shaped to give off light in all directions rather than spot lights, so they wouldn't really be competing in the same class as CFLs for lamp fixtures except in that niche: as it stands, you probably won't see table lamps or floor lamps with these bulbs, as is the case with LEDs.
Also, from the way they describe their ESL tech in the video, it looks like just your average cathode ray tube with electrons striking phosphors, except this blend of phosphors is chosen to give out a mix of wavelengths that produce a "warm" white light. But I don't see a reason why a similar mix of phosphors can't be used in inside a CFL tube (they both use phosphors excited by electrons to make light), so there goes their "color" argument if that's the case. They say they're working on standard, non-flood bulbs, but I don't see how they can manage it if they're using sprays of electrons like a cathode ray tube.
It's cool, however, that they're working on an alternative technology for spot/flood lights or in-ceiling accents. More technology choices means more opportunities to find greater efficiency. I just wish I could get some info on this that isn't just marketing.