ESL Lightbulbs Better Than CFL, LED?

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The major problem I have with this video: they talk about all the great characteristics of these bulbs, but they don't mention how long they are supposed to last or what the watts/lumens rate is. A ESL bulb is all well and good that it matches the spectrum that a traditional light bulb puts out, but if it uses 30W as opposed to 60, and lasts about 3 months, I'll stick with my CFLs


ESL and lighting in all it's glory, but the thing im wondering about, this being TomsHardware and all is: Will it make Crysis look any better?


Jun 4, 2009
[citation][nom]psimitry[/nom]The major problem I have with this video: they talk about all the great characteristics of these bulbs, but they don't mention how long they are supposed to last or what the watts/lumens rate is. A ESL bulb is all well and good that it matches the spectrum that a traditional light bulb puts out, but if it uses 30W as opposed to 60, and lasts about 3 months, I'll stick with my CFLs[/citation]

4 time the lifespan of a incandescent light bulb. For my part, I really which to know how much energy it uses...


Sep 18, 2009
Lighting is a huge opportunity for the right product and right company. I don't think this is one of them. The technology is questionable. Just curious... is Vu1's bulbs going to get Energy Star certified and what does that process look like?


Oct 24, 2007
In the video they claim it's currently "a little over 4x the energy efficiency" of an incandescent bulb, so roughly comparable to CFL bulbs.

Modern CFL bulbs can produce very warm, balanced light. Not necessarily good enough for work where color accuracy is critical (printing, etc), but good enough that most people can't tell it's CFL unless they see the slight delay at startup.

Now for the real questions. Electrons striking a phosphor to produce light. Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, something called a CRT. During the whole time they spend in the video talking about the dangers of mercury in CFL bulbs, I'm wondering about how they're shielding their bulb as I don't particularly want to be bombarded with an electron stream all day long. Which leads me to lead (Pb), specifically do they use lead shielding in the bulbs? Lead is no less dangerous than mercury. If not, how do they contain the electron beam? Also, CRTs aren't known for their efficiency.

Not saying any of this is impossible, or even unlikely, but I do have questions.


Nov 5, 2007
Wish the vid just started 4 mins in. Everyone knows the problems with LED and CFL bulbs, I wanna hear about your gear not someone elses lol. In all fairness u gotta mention current alternatives, but really? Half the video?


May 20, 2009
[citation][nom]geoffs[/nom]In the video they claim it's currently "a little over 4x the energy efficiency" of an incandescent bulb, so roughly comparable to CFL bulbs.Modern CFL bulbs can produce very warm, balanced light. Not necessarily good enough for work where color accuracy is critical (printing, etc), but good enough that most people can't tell it's CFL unless they see the slight delay at startup.Now for the real questions. Electrons striking a phosphor to produce light. Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, something called a CRT. During the whole time they spend in the video talking about the dangers of mercury in CFL bulbs, I'm wondering about how they're shielding their bulb as I don't particularly want to be bombarded with an electron stream all day long. Which leads me to lead (Pb), specifically do they use lead shielding in the bulbs? Lead is no less dangerous than mercury. If not, how do they contain the electron beam? Also, CRTs aren't known for their efficiency.Not saying any of this is impossible, or even unlikely, but I do have questions.[/citation]

Yeah, CRTs need a minimum of shielding for X-Rays, not necessarily lead though. It's called Aquadag or something like that.



Also colors who the fuck cares about colors as long as i see i dont care those who care about color and aren't like artest and shit

Also how long do they last i love CFL and LED because i more or less never had to replace them in like 10 years

And how much watt does it take up shit they don't talk about any details except color and dimming lol


Aug 21, 2008
[citation][nom]geoffs[/nom]During the whole time they spend in the video talking about the dangers of mercury in CFL bulbs, I'm wondering about how they're shielding their bulb as I don't particularly want to be bombarded with an electron stream all day long. Which leads me to lead (Pb), specifically do they use lead shielding in the bulbs? Lead is no less dangerous than mercury. If not, how do they contain the electron beam? Also, CRTs aren't known for their efficiency.Not saying any of this is impossible, or even unlikely, but I do have questions.[/citation]
There is no "electron stream" outside of a CRT. X-Rays are generated by the fast deceleration of the electron beam which hits the "target" (anode). The higher the speed of electrons (and acceleration voltage), the more intensive the X-Ray radiation. Up to about 10kV there isn't any dangerous radiation generated.
[citation][nom]jerther[/nom]Yeah, CRTs need a minimum of shielding for X-Rays, not necessarily lead though. It's called Aquadag or something like that.[/citation]
Aquadag is colloidal graphite, used to get the outer electrode for the HV capacitor formed on both sides of the CRT glass (the inside one is aluminium coating at anode potential). It has no X-Ray "shielding" properties. That is obtained by lead doping of the tube glass.

Kids, aren't you learning anything any more in today's schools?


Apr 18, 2008
They really undervalue the CFL bulbs we are all familiar with. Sure the first generation of CFL bulbs produced poor lighting qualities, but from what I have seen, this was fixed years ago. Just stay away from the cheap CFL ones.

Does anyone know the real risks of mercury poisoning when a bulb breaks? I have broke a few myself and just cleaned it up like any other bulb. My guess is they are trying to scare you into buying their new technology.

I will stick with the bright white CFL bulbs I have been buying, perfect light IMO.


Aug 18, 2008
Okay, about the mercury: CFLs contain so little of it that, environmentally speaking, they more than make up for it with the amount of coal-fired electricity they save. Coal-burning plants put out more mercury than CFLs do, just by producing power. And CFLs only release mercury if they're broken. Furthermore, they don't release ALL the mercury if that happens, because as it gets used the bulb's tube actually binds up most of the mercury vapor in a form that isn't release when a break occurs.
I'm not saying it's not a problem and a health risk, I'm saying it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. It's kind of weaselly how most of the people talking up the risk of mercury in the video are actually VU1 execs or employees.
They cite a power efficiency that's pretty much the same as CFLs, but unlike their ESL a CFL can be shaped to give off light in all directions rather than spot lights, so they wouldn't really be competing in the same class as CFLs for lamp fixtures except in that niche: as it stands, you probably won't see table lamps or floor lamps with these bulbs, as is the case with LEDs.
Also, from the way they describe their ESL tech in the video, it looks like just your average cathode ray tube with electrons striking phosphors, except this blend of phosphors is chosen to give out a mix of wavelengths that produce a "warm" white light. But I don't see a reason why a similar mix of phosphors can't be used in inside a CFL tube (they both use phosphors excited by electrons to make light), so there goes their "color" argument if that's the case. They say they're working on standard, non-flood bulbs, but I don't see how they can manage it if they're using sprays of electrons like a cathode ray tube.

It's cool, however, that they're working on an alternative technology for spot/flood lights or in-ceiling accents. More technology choices means more opportunities to find greater efficiency. I just wish I could get some info on this that isn't just marketing.


Sep 29, 2007
[citation][nom]WheelsOfConfusion[/nom]Okay, about the mercury: CFLs contain so little of it that, environmentally speaking, they more ...opportunities to find greater efficiency. I just wish I could get some info on this that isn't just marketing.[/citation]

wall of text


Aug 15, 2009
I'm looking forward to sulphur plasma lamps which are the most energy efficient lamps as of now. They also have a light spectrum that is closer to sunlight than any other artificial light source invented by man kind. The lifetime of the lamps are comparable to standard gas discharge lamps which are used as street lights.

The problem with these lamps is that they are powered by a microwave emitter (a magnetron, which can also be found in microwave ovens) which requires cooling and are hard to manufacture so that the light gets flicker free. But research is being conducted on silicon carbide circuits which can be used as a high power microwave emitter.

You may wonder how this lamp works. The answer is that it is a gas discharge lamp that uses sulphur as a light medium. The problem with sulphur is that it is very reactive to metals which makes the anode and cathode corrode. That's why noble gases are popular with gas discharge lamps. The solution for the sulphur lamp is to enclose it in a bulb made of quarz glass (which is resistant to corrosion) and let the microwave radiation ionize the sulphur which makes it fluorescent.
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