Question ExpressVPN with wi-fi 7

Nov 11, 2024
I'm moving house and changing countries, therefore wish to refresh a number of home tech devices.
I need an 'always on' VPN available and automatically connected to all devices throughout the home.
On paper the ExpressVPN Aircove ticks nearly all the boxes, however it is wi-fi 6 only.
Discussions with ExpressVPN indicate that there are no plans to release a wi-fi 7 device.

I wish to avoid buying trailing edge tech for my new home, therefore wish to buy a wi-fi 7 device with integrated VPN.

ExpressVPN has worked flawlessly over the years, but requires OpenVPN for alternatives to Aircove.
Nighthawk RS300 again ticks nearly all the boxes, but lacks OpenVPN.
Seamingly, most if not all market leaders also lack OpenVPN and therefore cannot support ExpressVPN.
Presumably, it is the firmware from ExpressVPN that limits the ability of other routers to be flashed and support ExpressVPN wi-fi 7?

Are there any recommendations for a wi-fi 7 router with seamless / integrated VPN to match Aircove in functionality and ease of use please?

A further thought, far from ideal, but perhaps I could use an Aircove for the ISP connection, disable the wi-fi 6, and connect, say, a Nighthawk RS300 to flood the home with wi-fi 7 capability, thereby securing the always on ExpressVPN connection, but with wi-fi 7 benefits throughout the home. Apart from the cost of 'doubling up' on hardware, is there a technical issue? What would the connection between routers be?
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