Facebook events list not working

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Enkidu of Abydos

Jun 30, 2015
In a little under a year that I've been on Facebook I've experienced a surprising number of various bugs (considering it's financial background and the number of people who maintain it) but in all those cases I either found a way to bypass those bugs (as solving them usually proved impossible since I don't have influence on Facebook's inner workings) or they would simply soon disappear due to some redesign (and I really don't know why they keep redesigning a site that is many years old now !).

Now after the last recent redesign I am faced with a crippling bug I can't tolerate (because it prevents me from using one of the most important functions of Facebook) and I haven't been able to solve it... Namely until now on this link :


I could easily see a list of all future events which I designated as Interested or Going (plus a pile of junk which the site recommends to me), and in the same way on this link :


I could see a list of all past events I had attended or been interested in.
Now I don't see absolutely anything on both those links. or to be more precise - first I am forcefully automatically redirected to




after which I only see this menu on the left :

Create Event

and the Upcoming birthdays menu on the right, while I don't see anything in the middle column, that is the space is empty. And I do have several events as Interested or Going !
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, Firefox 48.
When the page loads or refreshes I see a quick "flash" of frames with information in the middle column but they immediately disappear (in a quarter of a second or something like that).

Because of this I immediately thought it was a problem with some of my browser extensions that was preventing the loading of the middle column (like Adblock Plus or NoScript), so I disabled all suspicious extensions and restarted the broswer, however the same thing still happened. I also tried opening the same links in IE, but again the same thing. So as far as I can see the problem is not with my browser or it's extensions.

In spite of all that my friend who tested the same links today reported they work perfectly fine for him, showing the list of events like they did for me until a few days ago, and they DON'T REDIRECT him to the calendar links...
Does anyone have any explanation and / or solution ?

I didn't want to try contacting the customer service (if facecrap has anything like that) because from the beginning I've been using an alias on facebook which I've become kind of attached to, and I wouldn't like to have to change it, which might happen if the facebook morons take notice of me...
So please help !
Things are still the same, still nothing to see on that link.
I even started thinking about installing the latest version of Firefox to see if that would solve the problem, when I accidentaly discovered that the stupid and confusing Facecrap had ANOTHER WAY of displaying the EXACT SAME information, only in another link and with a different layout, but it's basically the same thing :
Except it looks different it gives essentially the same information as the link above...
This is isn't really a solution for the problem described above but I'm satisfied for the time being.

Just wondering if you found a better solution to this? I have the same problem (and it's super frustrating as you know), and that workaround isn't an option any more - there's no "Events" under the "More" menu on users' profile pages.
Hi there.
Since I wrote the original post above, and the update giving the workaround for the problem, there have been some new developments.
The original and standard way of seeing my events started working all of a sudden, with no reason I could see, and then after a few days it once again stopped working, and has been that way since. I made absolutely no changes to my browser or OS or anything that could have caused this, so it must be due to Facebook. Which is very weird because all of my friends had it working normally all along and still do ! I really don't understand why you and me are one of unlucky few for whom the normal events list doesn't work.
As for the workaround, it is fortunately still working normally for me. I have no idea why it wouldn't work for you, so I can't help you there. I still have Events in the More menu.
Here are some screenshots I took to show you, just in chance you were trying something else because you didn't understand which menu I meant.
First I open my basic profile page on Facebook like so :
then I click on the "More" menu seen on the right, then I scroll down through the menu to where it says "Events" and click on that, and then I get this screen :
This is how I do it, and I sure hope that keeps working !
Hope you find a way to solve your problem !

If you have small screen resolution the whole More menu won't be shown, so you have to scroll the page down so the menu is at the top of the page, and only then open the menu.
Thanks for taking the time to reply :)

I got the workaround working for me - I just needed to use "Manage Sections" to add "Events" back into the "More" menu.

I guess the standard Events view (https://www.facebook.com/events/upcoming) will just continue to start/stop working intermittently as FB makes changes to their website... but at least I can use the workaround now. Thanks again!
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