factory install bad

Jun 9, 2018
I have a SW Media - Satellite C855D and needed to take it back to factory settings so I ordered the following "USB-Satellite C855D-Windows 8 64bit Professional-EN". I installed it as indicated by the supporting documentation that came with the USB drive. Once it was complete the laptop will not boot to windows. There is a note with the documentation that indicated if the laptop does not boot to windows to power the laptop down and restart it. I have done that 10 time now and it will still not boot to windows. I have reinstalled the USB flash drive 4 time now, still no windows.
Jun 9, 2018
The Toshiba in question would not boot and was not accessible in order to try the restore.

Got the flash drive from Toshiba, am now seeing that the internal disk is bad. Got a disk that I can boot from and looked at the Toshiba disk and it is not accessible, does not show any partitions and can not be read. Have used the boot disk on my other pc's and the disk on these pc's are readable and accessible, so believe that the disk in the Toshiba is bad.