Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital.slr-systems,rec.photo.digital (More info?)
Scott W wrote:
> Alan Browne wrote:
>>Get a light camera and heavy camera with the same FL and aperture
> shoot
>>each in marginal conditions of shutter speed.
> Ok, I have done the test, on the light side I used a Nikon Coolpix 995
> and on the heavy side I used a 20D with a 70-300mm zoom.
> Weight of the Nikon is 475 gm, the weight of the 20D with lens is 1346
> gm. I shoot both cameras at ISO 100, F/10 and 1/4 sec shutter speed, FL
> of 75mm (equivalent). I used the mirror lockup to avoid the mirror
> from shaking the 20D. I shot a number of shots with each camera and it
> is a toss up as to which one has more motion blurring.
> So for my rather unscientific test mass did not seem to aid or hurt
> stability. What the case would be with a much heavier lens is unclear.
1) Don't shoot for a blurred shot (1/4 sec @ 75mm), shoot for something
sharp. Say 1/125 @ 100mm.
2) Shoot 2 SLR's. One heavy system; one light. For example an 80-200
f/2.8 on a 20D v. a 75-300 var-ap on a DRebel.
3) Shoot something with some vert and horizontal line detail.
-- r.p.e.35mm user resource: http
-- r.p.d.slr-systems: http
-- [SI] gallery & rulz: http
-- e-meil: Remove FreeLunch.
Scott W wrote:
> Alan Browne wrote:
>>Get a light camera and heavy camera with the same FL and aperture
> shoot
>>each in marginal conditions of shutter speed.
> Ok, I have done the test, on the light side I used a Nikon Coolpix 995
> and on the heavy side I used a 20D with a 70-300mm zoom.
> Weight of the Nikon is 475 gm, the weight of the 20D with lens is 1346
> gm. I shoot both cameras at ISO 100, F/10 and 1/4 sec shutter speed, FL
> of 75mm (equivalent). I used the mirror lockup to avoid the mirror
> from shaking the 20D. I shot a number of shots with each camera and it
> is a toss up as to which one has more motion blurring.
> So for my rather unscientific test mass did not seem to aid or hurt
> stability. What the case would be with a much heavier lens is unclear.
1) Don't shoot for a blurred shot (1/4 sec @ 75mm), shoot for something
sharp. Say 1/125 @ 100mm.
2) Shoot 2 SLR's. One heavy system; one light. For example an 80-200
f/2.8 on a 20D v. a 75-300 var-ap on a DRebel.
3) Shoot something with some vert and horizontal line detail.
-- r.p.e.35mm user resource: http

-- r.p.d.slr-systems: http

-- [SI] gallery & rulz: http

-- e-meil: Remove FreeLunch.