Solved! Faulty old toshiba

Oct 17, 2018
Am using old flatscreen Toshiba with 32"is faulty now with audio problem. Some panel in side is broken.& no audio.
Can I get a fitted panel
Oct 17, 2018
The flat screen old Toshiba,that am talking about is the one with big back not has flat screen. Am just viewing it of i can get the panel board from the company. And if not, How much can I get the one you're talking about?

How much for a 32" LCD TV? Look in your area and see what's available. In the US a used 32" or even 42" LCD TV can be had for about $100-150, at times less. There is one for $75 in my area A tube TV people give away for free at times just to get rid of it.
here in the us in a few weeks are big holiday sales where a lot of product is placed on sale. for the tv google the model and words service guild. see if you can find a service repair guild online. then google the model and words service parts. you be able to find the service parts for the tv and there cost.