FCC Urges ISPs to Take More Active Role in Cybersecurity

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Aug 30, 2010
So let's "Suggest" (Force) you private companies to do this stuff that the courts have ALREADY told us we aren't allowed to do....Oh, your licenses are up for renewal and you haven't done as we've "suggested"......



Dec 15, 2007
This is going in the direction of forcing people to specify the real adress/name information when doing the domain registration. There are proposals of a new whois system, where all information about a URL is exposed (so no "rogue" websites can hide behind anonymous ip;s). That is, you won't get a new URL, unless you register with the correctly identifiable information that ties and individual/company to a certain ip.
That would be a big blow for anonymity!


The issue here has nothing to do with anonymity. The issue is once again the FCC just doesn't understand the internet and wants someone else to fix the issue that lies with the hosting servers / network.

Government websites keep going down because of DDoS' so we must have the middleman fix it by buying very expensive deep packet inspectors and stop it there. Guess what in order to do that the ISP will pass along the charges to the customers saying they have no choice.

The real issue is that you have people that are most likely higher end managers that have no idea what really needs to be done to protect their own servers even though its pretty simple.

The attacks really break down into 2 categories, 1 is automated (such as DDoS / Script Kiddies) and the second is actual hackers.

The 1st type is very easy to protect against, you just properly setup your network and hire programmers and system admins who know what they are doing. If you hire the correct people you get rid of sql injections (the #1 attack used by script kiddies). If you put the correct DDoS mitigation hardware in, no more DDoS', imagine that. Since the govt seems to be inept on how to do this, ask Amazon. Remember when they attacked amazon, not a single thing was disrupted. No slowness, no downtime.

For #2, there is nothing that ISP's can do to stop it anyways. Any protections they put in the people who know what they are doing will get around. All the govt can do is hire people that know what they are doing, get rid of the middle management bs and let them do their job.

Asking us to pay the ISP's more to protect govt assets is asinine.


Feb 11, 2012
Who is in charge right now in DC. Thats right, the left are a bunch of Fascist liars who always say it's the Republicans when i reality it's the Demorats who want big brother government.


If an industry needs Government to protect the value of its products- it shouldn't exist. Movie theaters erect ticket booths to exclude non-payers, they kick you out if you have a video camera, etc. Let Internet companies design their own "ticket booths," lets not lack faith in the free market and allow the Government to start erecting walls to create scarcity instead of the free market creating value where there ought to be value. Senator Orrin Hatch wants to blow up our computers without due process, check the story: http://www.dethronehatch.com/orrin-hatch-is-no-friend-of-the-internet/


Dec 11, 2010
what a joke. before they opened their mouths to speak they should have had a tangible thought. the first order of logic should be... is what they are doing technically illegal? hijacking, botnets, blah blah blah. where exactly are the laws that state that this conduct is illegal to begin with? as an example, if you live in america and get hit with a DoS attack, its perfectly legal... unless those who are attacked are a financial institution or the government ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Fraud_and_Abuse_Act ) ... the general understanding is that these internet 'crimes' are not really crimes at all if they are committed against a citizen (okay, maybe some).

i would highly suggest to create legislation to make digital crimes illegal first, then complain to the ISPs and everyone else to assist in enforcing them.


Mar 1, 2012
It regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.
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