Question First camera for both videomaking and photography?

May 8, 2019
I am 17, so I don’t want my father to spend a ton lot of money because of me. I’m looking, as the title says, for a camera which is decent for both videomaking and photography. It doesn’t have to be excellent: since it’s my first one and I have no experience whatsoever, it would be like giving pearls to pigs. I just really want to start getting into photography and videomaking. I’m very interested in these activities, but gotta start slowly and responsibly.
If there are cameras good for learning, that would be great. Possibly one which is not so complicated to use to completely discourage me! Though I’m ready to work hard and learn, so you can ignore this last part.
Please, help me!
Thanks in advance.
May 28, 2019
Not sure about camera model, I can only say that none of the cameras have a magic button "create a great shot". You can make great pictures even with the phone. So far as I know, Canon and SONY DSLR cameras are far better in shooting video compared to Nikon. Also, I'd recommend you to read through Ken Rockwell's blog, which is very inspiring.