Flea Market Score

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Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

As many will know I'm a flea market vendor on my way to opening my own
game shop. My best customer (who strangely enough hasn't spent that much
money on games...) came up to me today and told me he left me a message
on XB Live that he wants to trade away all his Intellivision stuff. I
didn't get said message yet, so this was a nice surprise.

He brings me 2 shopping bags full of mostly CIB and SWed games (few sans
an overlay or manual). I allow him to dig through my stuff and pick out
what he wants.

I gave him:
CIB Zelda Ocarina of Time Collector's Edition
CIB Coleco TelStar
NIB Fighters Megamix for Game.com
NIB ... can't remember the title, another Game.com game
3 CIB pirate 2600 games (Popeye, Ice Hockey, and Football...?)
and I think another loose game, can't remember what

I got:
B=Box, O=Overlay, O2=2 Overlays, I=Instructions, SW=Shrinkwrapped
Demon Attack BO
Beauty and the Beast B
Triple Action BIO
Bomb Squad B
Night Stalker (flip top box) SW
Buzz Bombers IBO2
Burgertime IBO2 (white label)
Space Battle (flip top box( CIBO2
Donkey Kong IB
Reversi B
Major League Baseball IBO2
Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack IBO2
Space Battle IBO2
Star Strike (flip top box) SW
Sharp Shot (flip top box) SW
Major League Baseball O2
Space Battle SW
Astrosmash BI
Space Spartans SW
Space Spartans BIO2
Boxing BIO
Lock 'n' Chase (flip top box) SW
Skiing BIO2
Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack BIO2

Buzz Bombers being the most rare, but I needed some stuff to fill the
many gaps currently in my Inty collection. I'll have to post a want list
one of these days.

Chuck Whitby - Founder
East Coast Gaming Expo
"It's the games"
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

Umm, are you a black cab driver with aspirations of owning a limo
service? If so, your life is on par with Collateral...
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

Carey85 wrote:
> Umm, are you a black cab driver with aspirations of owning a limo
> service? If so, your life is on par with Collateral...

The parallel is there. Jamie Fox tells Cruise that his stint as a cab
driver is only temporary, until he starts his limo business, which will
be the best Limo service anywhere... everything will have to be just

Cruise: "so, how long you been driving a cab?"
Fox: "Twelve years"
Cruise: (gives him a surprised look).

Later on, they get into an altercation and Cruise says "Don't you try
to tell me anything. You've been making excuses your whole life,
talking about starting a Limo business for twelve years. All you REALLY
ever needed was a down payment and a Lincoln Town Car.."

CLASSIC scene from a classic film. Tom Cruise rules.
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

Aww Chuck... I clicked on this post thinking that you had written some
dramatic piece of music to listen to, while we all go rummaging through
boxes at the flea market. *sigh* I think I've been listening to the Star
Wars and Back to the Future soundtracks too much later... hrm... 😛

Visit My Site: http://www.rubbertoe.com
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

Carey85 <carey_85@adelphia.net> spewed:
> Umm, are you a black cab driver with aspirations of owning a limo
> service? If so, your life is on par with Collateral...

Ahh, Space Boss was obviously confusing Chuck with Chuck's younger brother.

I understand now.

Visit My Site: http://www.rubbertoe.com
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

"Robert J Batina" <rbatina@columbus.rr.com> wrote in

> Aww Chuck... I clicked on this post thinking that you had written
> some dramatic piece of music to listen to, while we all go rummaging
> through boxes at the flea market. *sigh* I think I've been
> listening to the Star Wars and Back to the Future soundtracks too much
> later... hrm... 😛

Next time I won't miss... next time I won't miss... next time I won't
miss... 8*)

Chuck Whitby - Founder
East Coast Gaming Expo
"It's the games"