Fortnite Battle Royale - Double Barrel Shotgun Tips


The new addition at the middle of season 5 is the Double Barrel Shotgun that is indeed a very powerful weapon if used right. Therefore, you need to know how you can use this weapon efficiently. So have a look at the tips below:
Use at a Close Range:
This should be obvious by now. You should know that a shotgun should always be used at close ranges. But, this one is a bit different. You don’t want to use this at a short distance but, at a very short distance. The reason for using it at a very close distance is because it shoots out pallets and if you are not close enough, those pallets will spread and all of them may not hit your target. So it is best if you use it at a very close range.

Don’t Aim for Head:
This is another thing that you should keep in mind. It may sound weird as most of the weapons work best if you shoot on the head as it confirms a kill. But in the case of the Double Barrel Shotgun, you are working with pallets. And your aim is to shoot as many pallets at the enemy as you can. Therefore, if you shoot at the head, it is a small target and most of the pallets will go unused. So what you need to do instead is to hit the chest area. It is a big target and is not far from the head so some pallets will hit the head as well.

Use Only in Solo Combat:
Another thing to remember. The Double Barrel Shotgun is not a weapon that has a lot of bullets that you can use on multiple enemies. So it is recommended that you only use it in solo combat so you can spare both of its bullets for the one enemy. This will help you get the kill otherwise you will be just wasting your bullets and may die due to low fire rate.

Build to Reload:
This is one of the most important things that you should keep in mind as you will have only two bullets so you will have to reload if you are unable to kill the target. This is the reason that you either reload the gun by building a wall of defense or you take out a backup gun. Drum Gun is paired well with this gun.

Fire Quickly:
If you are hitting a single target as you should, you need to fire in quick succession because you don’t want to change the aim, hitting two times at the same area (Chest) will definitely get you the kill or at the very least lower the health to end. So it is better to fire two shots quickly at the same target.
These are some of the tips related to the new Double Barrel Shotgun. Just make sure to practice these things and remember them while in combat.