Game Addiction Clinic Opens in Britain

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Jul 31, 2009
I read another article that said four hours of gaming a day means you’re addicted. I know people that watch TV four hours a day, should they open rehab for people like that. What about the people that if there is a sports game on they have to watch and watch old ones when nothing new is on.

On the other hand I knew a guy that racked up $10,000 on his credit card from buying stuff for evercrack. People like this need are just stupid.

Games are entertainment and if you are entertained keep gaming!


Apr 18, 2008
Some people just don't know where to stop. Most of have certain limitations ie. sleep requirements, families, 'lives', and things to do. Some people would throw all that away for non - stop gaming, I wouldn't personally, but I think they need help if they do.


Jun 4, 2009
MMORPG are a cancer. In a single player experience you got a story, an experience... in a MMO you got gameplay only. Gameplay could be fun at some point, but it become an habit really that can affect your everyday life faster than you think. I think it can even be worst than drugs.

I was addicted to Counter-Strike for almost 2 years. I learned my lesson and never picked another online game... until Street Fighter 4 which I stopped playing after a 4 months frenzy.


Sep 7, 2009
[citation][nom]redgarl[/nom]MMORPG are a cancer. In a single player experience you got a story, an experience... in a MMO you got gameplay only. Gameplay could be fun at some point, but it become an habit really that can affect your everyday life faster than you think. I think it can even be worst than drugs.I was addicted to Counter-Strike for almost 2 years. I learned my lesson and never picked another online game... until Street Fighter 4 which I stopped playing after a 4 months frenzy.[/citation]

Depends on the person. So far, MMOs have been more boring than watching paint dry to me. I played EVE for a week, that was my longest with an MMO. I played it for 60 hours in that week, yes, a lot, because I had no school or job at the time, and you know what? I was BORED the whole time. I just wanted to see if I could get a PLEX in the demo time limit.

So... Yeah, depends on the person.


Sep 25, 2009
Glad I'll never have to go there, I do love video games and I do play WoW a lot. But my computer has died twice for about 2 weeks each and went without WoW fine. I did get quite bored though.


Jun 4, 2009
[citation][nom]Kelavarus[/nom]Depends on the person. So far, MMOs have been more boring than watching paint dry to me. I played EVE for a week, that was my longest with an MMO. I played it for 60 hours in that week, yes, a lot, because I had no school or job at the time, and you know what? I was BORED the whole time. I just wanted to see if I could get a PLEX in the demo time limit. So... Yeah, depends on the person.[/citation]

I would say more on the game itself. Any online game that has an addictive gameplay that bring a lot of competition will be a good contender to suck hours of your life. Personally, I am the first one to play a game 5 minutes before getting bored... but bring me a Street Fighter game with infinite replay value with an online mode and I would play too much. Just one more fight, just one more fight, just one more fight...

The only way to move on is a clear uninstall and a confinement of the game. If you got too much free time on your hands, it will only get worst.

I consider myself addict for playing 2 hours max a day... I don't understand how you could have played a game for an entire week at 8 hours a day and consider yourself without any addiction potential.


Jan 7, 2009
[citation][nom]Athreex[/nom]Confessions of a MMORPGholic[/citation]
I can imagine the movie now...
Also could be named 'The 80 year old virgin'.
[citation][nom]virtualban[/nom]Do they have the online therapist in WoW too?[/citation]
Before I quit I struck up some fun conversations with Blizz staff... and they all played along.
Ask them for help, and if you get one bored enough, they'll likely do it. ^_^
(I remember striking up a conversation on why the game had no pumpkin pie, even that the game needed an official pumpkin pie festival, and that I would quit if there wasn't one... fun wasting hours of their time when they actually have people to help.)

Onto a more serious note...
Video games can be addicting. It largely depends on the person.
Some people can use cocaine casually without it becoming a problem, and then again, I have druggies that steal form me weekly...
One of my coworkers become addicted to slot machines...
I became addicted to any and all MMORPGs...
Some people need help, and this is a step in the right direction.


Sep 1, 2009
What about "soap opera" clinics?, when are Soap Opera Addiction Clinic opening? My girlsfriend sure needs to go to one of these, lollo


Apr 17, 2009
[citation][nom]redgarl[/nom]I would say more on the game itself. Any online game that has an addictive gameplay that bring a lot of competition will be a good contender to suck hours of your life. Personally, I am the first one to play a game 5 minutes before getting bored... but bring me a Street Fighter game with infinite replay value with an online mode and I would play too much. Just one more fight, just one more fight, just one more fight...The only way to move on is a clear uninstall and a confinement of the game. If you got too much free time on your hands, it will only get worst. I consider myself addict for playing 2 hours max a day... I don't understand how you could have played a game for an entire week at 8 hours a day and consider yourself without any addiction potential.[/citation]
Judgmental much?

Seriously, go and talk to people who are addicted to heroine, crack, or crystal meth and you will know REAL addiction. These people will do ANYTHING for their next fix. They will steal, kill, sell their own children to get money for just one more fix. I've never heard of anything even remotely close to that with people who are "addicted" to online gaming.

You talk about people spending hours a day playing games. And, as someone else pointed out, people spend hours a day watching TV. Someone mentioned a guy who spent $4K on stuff for EverQuest. I work with guys who have maxed out their credit cards buying a new set of golf clubs. People routinely spend thousands of dollars to go on vacation somewhere. What, exactly, is so noble about that? Ultimately, they are just doing something for fun and entertainment. How is that different than people who are into online gaming? I mean, other than the fact that it's a lot cheaper.

Now consider this... you make the charge that how can a person spend 8 hours a day doing something without considering the addiction potential. What should he or she be doing? Working? And for what? Most people have jobs that they either hate or barely tolerate. They can't wait to get home and dread the thought of having to get up the next day to return to work (I've had my fair share of experience with this as well). How is this preferable or even quantifiably better? What should they be doing that would meet with your approval? Some people would say they should be going outside and doing... whatever. Well, maybe that's what some people enjoy. So why do they feel compelled to tell other people that they should also enjoy that? Ultimately, what it boils down to is this: if you are doing something you enjoy, it is not a crime and does not hurt other people, why is that anybody else's business? Who the hell are we to stand in judgment?


May 5, 2009
[citation][nom]virtualban[/nom]Wait, I got a better one:But can they play Crysis single player?[/citation]

nice dude .. crysis forever !


May 5, 2009
it depends on person to person . but gaming is here to stay , its all about rapidly experiencing reality . gaming is where tv was before that radio etc . people game more than tv because its offers a depth of experience . games are like movies in which we are the actors ! i really like the enhanced muscular system in crysis for example .


May 5, 2009
believe it or not , let me make a prophet's prediction . we will all be immersed in virtual worlds one day and robots will do mundane jobs . this also makes me ask : is this life a similar game too ? i do not know , but am NOT afraid to ask . religious zealots , excuse me .


Jun 23, 2009

Dude, just because one didn't die from a minor fever doesn't mean fever isn't a disease.
Yes, cracks get poeple more addicted to a point of selling out their children, but that doesn't mean addiction to other things (such as work, shopping, and yes, gaming) is a healthy thing either.

Also realize that the word addiction alone is neutral. If you are addicted to things that are beneficial to youself, as well as the greater society in general, then poeple encourages it.

If your addiction, such as gaming, is not particular healthy to youself or the general public, then poeple discourage it.

So you think TV addiction shouldn't be treated? Of course it should, unless you are the TV program critics who makes a million a year on watching TV programs. You think poeple encourage spending all your money on shopping? Heck, they have treatment for it too.



May 5, 2009
@ hennnry

thanks for the informative post . your post does not contradict what i've said . you are talking about the present and history , i'm talking about the future . let me add to my second post , a time will come when they will connect this virtual reality directly to our nervous system , similar in concept to the Matrix . gaming is an evolution and eventual replacement of hollywood , which in turn was superior to theater etc .
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