GameCrush Now Open For Pay to Play With Girls

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[citation][nom]fyasko[/nom]why? gaming and girls? i know it will sell, but i personally like to keep them separate. gaming is not a turn on to most girls, it's simply something to do when girls aren't around to do...[/citation]

Dont tell my wife that, we've been gaming together for nearly a decade. I view gaming with my wife as a good activity to share, more interactive and team building than watching a movie or TV as a bonus in game actions can have RL pay offs when gaming as a couple 😀. I guess if time together is limited then acitivities need to be prioritised.

I dont doubt that you would find a degree of correlation between girls who care what this seasons "in" colour is and girls who dont game, but outside of that segment you will find a fair number of females who play video games. I know Grandmothers who are regular gamers, my own daughter and my nieces have all been gaming since theyve been old enough to read and use a keyboard.

Female gender is no more a barrier to enjoyment of the video gaming hobby than male gender is to the ability to cook a meal. Sometimes all thats needed is to give it a go in the right environment.
[citation][nom]IncinX[/nom]Unfortunately my wife can't play starcraft 2, or any FPS. =( But she sure can play a mean roller coaster tycoon.[/citation]

Why is it that women seem to enjoy these types of games so much more than Halo or COD? could it be that they are mostly testosterone driven murder-competitions?
we shall probably never know...
this is pathetic and completely useless to most any oen with half a brain

for starters , i know and play games with abour 20 didfernet girl gamers on steam some are ugly , some are ok , some are freaking gorgeous , and i dont even go out of my way to meet girls on steam , it's not why i play games , jsut run into them playing left 4 dead 1 and 2 , counter strike and other such games.

that aside i know another 15 "gamer girls" from playign neverwinter nights 1 and 2.

i dont' harrass , bug , or other wise try to solicit any thing out oft eh girl gamers i know (ie i dotn try to hook up with them) for the most paert many of tehm live 1000 miels form me or more , and none of them live any where near where i do.

i imagine this "service " would basically offer what i already ahve for free, a chance to play games with girls (some of wich already talk dirtier than i do )

so reallya gain what is the point of this ??? i could see it if it was like a web cam strip LOL , or like a "dating" sitre but with games for gamers. but hoenstly as it stands i see no point in this what so ever , unless youa re just too dumb ( or unlucky) to be the only person i know that hasn't ran into a fe male gamer on steam or in some RPG
oh and to all you folks talkign about hwo girls dont oplay firstperson shooters much , youa re -palyign the wrong shooters , it is true women don't generlaly like shooters such as Doom , or battlefiel or , UN real. Its also porbably ture that this is becuae those games are far more competetive , but i have realized ons team FPSer's that emphasize small group Co-op game play (left 4 dead , kiling floor , counter strikem team fortrss ) are very popular with the ladys. so again you dudes jsut arn't palyign teh right shooters.

as for xbox 360 or Playstation 3 , i do find it odd , i have never ran into a girl on ANY console based shooter .. yet on pc shooters likr the ones i listed i see them all over the place.actually quite funny some fo the girlsi paly left 4 dead 1 and 2 with often tell me how all thier bf does any more is paly thier xbox (or ps3) , and usually they say this in a not so nice manner.. as if they blame the console on thier bf's lack of attention LOL. some of them tell me they wouldnt mind if the BF would play the pc games more cos then they could play together atleast.
[citation][nom]distanted[/nom]I don't know if I should buy stock in the company or add it to my manifesto on why mankind must be wiped out by my freeze ray.[/citation]

Its not a deathray or an Ice beam, that's all Johnny Snow....
[citation][nom]g00fysmiley[/nom]not that i'm surprised somehtign liek this is out but... wow who is desprate enough to pay to play with a girl... and you know... over the age of 18[/citation]

It seems the only ones that are would go to Las Vegas where that sort of thing is legal!!! LOL
those are not the games i like to play with prostitutes what a stupid idea these guys were sitting around watching live webcams and were like hey these lazy ass bitches could be playing video games with me
the market IS out there. is it booming? probably not.. i have a cousin that fits the hermit gamer way to shy to talk to girls stereotype, and i could see him goin for something like this...

i really feel bad for people who are severely socially awkward. i know i get alot of social anxiety when engaging in conversation with good looking women. however i at least give it a shot, even though i sometimes end up kicking myself later for saying the wrong things, or not saying enough.

of course the best cure to all that is alcohol within reason so you dont become a babbling drunken idiot
woof.. looks like tri3x3t33n tied one on lst night.. yeesh red... no mas
This looks like an opportunity for couples (where the girls is hot of course). The girl does the video chat with the customer and the guy plays the game with the customer. Kind of reminds me of how I used to always win in online Chess matches. Just have Chessmaster running in the background :)
[citation][nom]RipperjackAU[/nom]The red headed chick is a LIE!!! The reality,The play dates:The clientele:Oh the humanity![/citation]

OMG. That is just PUTRID!!!!
LOLZ.. this is so sad... i found a girls a year ago, and at that time i didn't knew she'd be kicking my ass at fps games, and guitar hero/rockband. At least i found a game i'm better at than her -> worms 😀

I didn't have to pay to meet her, just got out of the house with some friends :)
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