Laptop: Toshiba Stallie c50-A428 Recently, I've been having a strange problem, most likely since some Windows 10 update (not 100% sure though). laptop used to run fine before that but lately, it would say stuff like "Laptop cannot boot up because ethernet is not connected to the laptop". I decided to check the boot up settings and changed the value to HDD (previously from ODD, I think that's the name), and the windows would start normally. anyhow, games start fast but after a little while, they would be slower and slower. I found out alt-tabbing to another program or the desktop fixes the problem but for an extremely short period. I decided to install Windows 7 as a clean installation, but the problem is still there. One of the games that accumulate great lag is PES 2016. My laptop is not really strong so games always ran slow(20-45 depending on game generation, pes would be around 50fps on normal 1280x720 whilist on high 1366 it would be 20 fps) , but this is not normal slowness. But just like all games, it starts really fast and every small bit it gets slower and slower and slower. TL;DR: Games slow down PC, alt-tabbing fixes it for a really short time, tried clean install of windows 7 but the problem is still there.