Gaming Laptop for the right price


Mar 17, 2014
Hello everyone, I need a new laptop as the one I currently own is 5 years old and well, wasn't made for games when I bought it as it only has Intel HD graphics. It is an ASUS K52F. Now I normally play on my PS4 but there are games I would love to play on PC and the fact that steam has awesome low price sales for games that would never go that low on console is just awesome. Now I know how to use a computer but I am not that computer smart. (Sorry for my backstory into the main reason of this thread)
Is there a good gaming laptop ranging from 500-600 (or maybe 700) dollars? Able to play games such as Skyrim or Fallout 4. I am looking to play Guild wars 2, and maybe even DA:I for the awesome mods.

Thank you.
The best gaming laptop for the budget Acer Aspire E 15 E5-574G-52QU(Amazon link: It is equipped with an Intel Core i5 6200U @ 2.3 GHz, 8GB of RAM, a GeForce 940M with 4GB of VRAM and 1TB HDD. I think (I am not sure) there is an extra hard drive slot inside, where you could fit an SSD to house your OS.
Threre is also a slightly cheaper Broadwell-based model, which is currently running out of stock on Amazon, so you may want to decide quickly (Amazon link:
All right so basically what you're looking at is that you need a pretty decent cpu(i7 6500u minimum propaly better off with an hq version like an i7 4720hq) and proably 960m for decent fps but you're proably going to need to try looking around used on say your local craigslist or ebay for example here would be a good buy on ebay because what you're asking is around probably high 600$ to 700$ range hope this helped and possibly will save you money buying used if thats what you decide but not everyone likes to buy used products which is totally preference but just a suggestion hope i helped u gl...<3
The best gaming laptop for the budget Acer Aspire E 15 E5-574G-52QU(Amazon link: It is equipped with an Intel Core i5 6200U @ 2.3 GHz, 8GB of RAM, a GeForce 940M with 4GB of VRAM and 1TB HDD. I think (I am not sure) there is an extra hard drive slot inside, where you could fit an SSD to house your OS.
Threre is also a slightly cheaper Broadwell-based model, which is currently running out of stock on Amazon, so you may want to decide quickly (Amazon link:
Thanks, I am more looking to buy a new laptop. Marios_543, thanks for that. Does the brand matter? I remember reading some people say Acer isn't a great brand. the Laptop looks nice though.