Question Gaming laptop having framerate issues out of nowhere.


Dec 23, 2021
Hi everyone. I have a gaming laptop that I've owned for around a year now. Out of nowhere, it started to have framerate issues. Whenever I try to play a game my cpu and gpu temperature skyrocket to the point where my cpu is at 95 degrees and my gpu is at 90. This started very recently and just a week ago nothing was happening. I also already own a cooling pad and I have tried so much to fix this. Please help, no game is playable at this point and I feel like ripping my hair out.
Please check if there is any virus as In my case it also happened a literally a bitcoin mining virus was in my pc please check for it from a good antivirus and my cpu was also at 95 degrees and my gpu was at 90
95 for cpu is not bad for a laptop cpu

what the exact laptop model?
what the cpu/gpu usage during the game?
ram/ssd usage?
I did some tests and apparently the laptop is temperature throttling. I'm really not sure what to do as this didn't happen ever in the past. I have a cooling pad and I really don't know what to do. Cpu usage is 40-100% and gpu is 20-50. ram is 30-100%. I suspect it's dust inside the laptop but I don't currently have any condensed air to clean it out.
Air did not work, I don't really know what to do.
I am not an expert at stuff like this, but if you haven't tried repasting, I'd definitely try it. Additionally, make sure the fans are running and if so, make sure there are no broken bearings. I haven't had any personal experiences with fan failures, but I've heard that there may be a rattling sound to indicate a damaged bearing. Before messing with that though, try a repaste, sometimes manufacturers use really cheap thermal paste that doesn't last very long.