I've had an Asus G60J notebook for a couple years now and it has worked with excellent performance up till about 5 months ago. Now anytime I play games that shouldn't be hard to run at all, it over heats in about 15 mins. I don't even have enough time to set my character up to even play the game. When the computer is idling, the CPU runs at 53 Celsius (127F) and the GPU runs around 55 Celsius (131F). As soon as I start a game, the CPU rises to around 90 Celsius and the GPU rises to around 90 as well. The temperatures continue to rise until the whole thing comes to a stop. I have tried many things to fix it including changing the thermal paste (Arctic silver 5). This lowered the temperature just a small amount. The fan is a bit dusty and I haven't picked up some computer duster to fix that yet, but it seems that there is a bigger issue than dust. Should I take it somewhere to get it looked at and fixed?