Gaming laptops ... Which one ?


Jul 15, 2015
Hi, I need some help for choosing the right gaming laptop. There is so many on the market, which one would be worth it. Currently I own asus G73jw I need to upgrade to be able to game with the next gen games. I need help to choose, I read alot and people are talking about sagger is good and worth it ? Thank you !
I currently use the Asus G750JS (has the GTX 870m in it)

There is a new model that came out this year for about 1,400~ depending on which model. My current laptop runs everything on ultra settings with exception of games like witcher 3 on the absolute highest settings that cause many pc's to crumble. My laptop has some good life left in it, i don't think I'll be getting left behind.

*edit* I've talked multiple friends of mine who were looking to get into pc gaming with this laptop and none of them have had any issues with it, everybodies games runs great, I see them everywhere i go (I'm a marine, we carry laptops with us to play on when bored and nothing to do) And everybody I know seems to really enjoy them.