Gaming - Which Laptop to buy?


Oct 12, 2010
Hey, I was just wondering which laptop would be better for gaming. I am buying one of the two so please say which is better instead of giving me a different recommendation, cheers.

Laptop 1:

Intel i5 450M 2.4 GHz Dual Core (2.66 Turbo Boost)/ 4G RAM / 500G / 15.6" / GT310M 1G / BT / CAM / Win 7 Pro

Laptop 2:

AMD Phenom P920 1.6 GHz Quad Core / 4G RAM / 500G / 15.6" / 1G 5470M / Blu-ray / Windows 7 Pro

Video card wise im sure the 5470m is better than the GT310 but I'm completely unsure about processors, help would be great.
Well since most games are GPU limited,then although the second one has a slower CPU,go for it because almost all steam games are GPU limited.


Oct 12, 2010
I only want to really play steam games on high resolution with all settings low and get over 50 frames, I guessed the 5470 would of been faster but with the processors and all included which laptop is actually better?
laptops are not designed for games as well as not capable for heavy graphical games

Thank you for that uneducated opinion. The particular laptops he chose aren't really designed for games, but that is not true for the entire industry.

Diode: The 5470 is the better of the two, but I have no idea how that Phenom will hold up. The mobile Phenoms seemed pretty weak at best.