Getting high pitch sound from subwoofer when sound is up high

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Jan 4, 2018
I have a Bose companion 3 series I I playing it through my head phones part of my Samsung t v.

When I have the volume up to its highest on the Bose and turn the tv volume up I get a very high pitch sound .

When the volume button on the Bose past half way down it seams to go away

Can I get some help
My guess is that it's a bum amp.
You could add a pre-amp to boost the signal being fed into it, and just never turn up the Bose control past half.

Also, the problem could be caused by something else?

Best of luck.
My guess is that it's a bum amp.
You could add a pre-amp to boost the signal being fed into it, and just never turn up the Bose control past half.

Also, the problem could be caused by something else?

Best of luck.
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