I rushed out and bought the A PANASONIC 50" 3D tv as soon as it hit the shelves, along with a few sets of glasses and an Onkyo Receiver and 5.1 speaker setup!, Cost over £2100 for the setup, was it worth it!
Sky 3d, light on the ground at the moment, but more and more content coming, most of the Rugby games I want to watch are on there anyways, along with a good choice of Football games, good documentaries and films.
My pc plugs straight in to the receiver, allowing me to run DDD drivers on the PC to allow 3D conversion of any DVD I own (497 at last count including box-sets counted as a single) as well as pretty much every game I own played on the 50" in full glorious 3d, nothing compares!
Lots of opinion out there that this is a FAD, yes it is!, one which I am enjoying immensely!
I am looking forward to Glasses free Screens, as that is the only thing that I do not like, but it is new technology, and by the time 50" glasses screens are cheap enough to buy, I would have had my 50" Panasonic for well over 5 years or more!
I personally now prefer watching movies at home instead of the cinema, its a far better experience!