I am searching for a laptop (desktop replacement) that can handle games on high graphics say for a while, and so it lasts more than 2 years without its motherboard burning to crisp (had a Toshiba years ago and it just died on me, buut it overheated anyways =P )
My budget is of around $1500 and the specs I would want are:
CPU: i7 or i5 of highest GHz (not going to convert videos so no real need for cuad-core, but not sure if games do support it already)
RAM: 8GB and up
GPU: something in proportion of the RAM, so that in this example it would be a 2 GB video card. no preference on brand.
Size : 15" and up since i dont really travel alot.
optical drive: DVD doubled layer writer at max.
Hard Drive: the more the better but around 750GB is fine
Video cam: dont really care about HD video cams
Resolution:the higher the better
Battery life: maybe 1 hour or more (i know the arts of under clocking to save battery)
Aditional features: Would like it to have a back lit keyboard and preferably a nice design, and a nice cooling system for it
Im not planning to do any real CPU intensive tasks like converting music or videos, also I live in Panama so its not the easiest thing to ship a laptop over here =P
I am searching for a laptop (desktop replacement) that can handle games on high graphics say for a while, and so it lasts more than 2 years without its motherboard burning to crisp (had a Toshiba years ago and it just died on me, buut it overheated anyways =P )
My budget is of around $1500 and the specs I would want are:
CPU: i7 or i5 of highest GHz (not going to convert videos so no real need for cuad-core, but not sure if games do support it already)
RAM: 8GB and up
GPU: something in proportion of the RAM, so that in this example it would be a 2 GB video card. no preference on brand.
Size : 15" and up since i dont really travel alot.
optical drive: DVD doubled layer writer at max.
Hard Drive: the more the better but around 750GB is fine
Video cam: dont really care about HD video cams
Resolution:the higher the better
Battery life: maybe 1 hour or more (i know the arts of under clocking to save battery)
Aditional features: Would like it to have a back lit keyboard and preferably a nice design, and a nice cooling system for it
Im not planning to do any real CPU intensive tasks like converting music or videos, also I live in Panama so its not the easiest thing to ship a laptop over here =P