Good wireless headset for my pc?


May 29, 2009
I am looking for a good wireless headset for my pc.

I'm not looking to spend a crazy amount of money as I don't need some ridiculous extreme quality headset that will set me back hundreds.

The main reason im looking for a headset is having a newborn and when im playing games I don't want to wake the baby but still want to have audio.

The wireless mainly because I hate having chords.

Also preferable don't really need a mic because never reall use voice chat and it just looks weird imo.

So if anyone could recommend a good well rounded wireless headset i'd really appreciate it.
Tactic 3D Omega - it's a good middle range headset ~$130, and is cross platform so it works on consoles too. the mic is detachable if you're just doin music / movies. wide soundstage, well rounded, blue pulse lights are cool lol

I owned a pair for 18 months and was pleased. pm me if you have any other questions.

good luck :)