Google Launching Chrome OS This Fall

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I will probably mess with it just like linux, but it would have to be pretty darn good for me to switch. (which it wont be).
Sorry Google I love my android phone. I just want to do more with my desktop. Maybe I will load it up on a netbook or something.
i just had a chuckle to myself when i envisage apple having to make iTunes for chrome......
[citation][nom]tokenz[/nom]I will probably mess with it just like linux, but it would have to be pretty darn good for me to switch. (which it wont be).Sorry Google I love my android phone. I just want to do more with my desktop. Maybe I will load it up on a netbook or something.[/citation]
[citation][nom]ern88[/nom]Ya, but will it play Crysis??? lol[/citation]
When I read this, all I could picture was a smug retard laughing at his own lame joke.
The only thing I don't like about it is the web apps that it will use instead of locally installed apps. I do not want everything I do on a cloud device. To me this OS seems like a move toward cloud only computing.

I have no problem with Google entering the OS war I just don't like the privacy concerns.

I wonder what linux distro they are poaching from? After all they poached Chrome from Chromium they didn't even change the logo.
The only reason why I still use Windows is for gaming. Until an OS is released that will play games as good as or better than Windows I'm still going to have a Windows box.

As for ChromeOS, I will definitely load it up on a VM and see what it is all about, but I'm not entirely sold on the cloud.
I'll never move completely to cloud computing. Once all the data you own is on someone elses computer, only takes the net connection to drop for you to be boned.

As for crysis, just wait for OnLive and it could be done.
I'll stick with windows, thanks. Let's see if this does anything to what we believe in viruses. That Macs are only safe because they have a small install base. If Chrome gets out there and has less than 8% of the market but gets hacked as much as Windows, the old saying will be falsified.
Upon learning this, I bet the execs at Microsoft hear the Dark Side Tune from Star Wars.

Da da da da dada da dada...
I swear, you could literally stand on a street corner handing out steaming pieces of dog poo, and as long as they had "Google" or "Apple" stamped on them, people would still get excited.
Me thinks I need to switch to Linux or maybe Chrome OS. I'm honestly getting tired of paying for a new OS every 3 years or so, AND new Office. Maybe someone will make a hack that will make these OS's look like the current versions of Windows. Of course, then there's also Wine.
[citation][nom]eyemaster[/nom]I'll stick with windows, thanks. Let's see if this does anything to what we believe in viruses. That Macs are only safe because they have a small install base. If Chrome gets out there and has less than 8% of the market but gets hacked as much as Windows, the old saying will be falsified.[/citation]
From what I hear, Chrome OS is an inroad to cloud based computing. I have a feeling that makes it a more tempting target for hackers, thus it might not be a fair comparison.


[citation][nom]JOSHSKORN[/nom]Me thinks I need to switch to Linux or maybe Chrome OS. I'm honestly getting tired of paying for a new OS every 3 years or so, AND new Office. Maybe someone will make a hack that will make these OS's look like the current versions of Windows. Of course, then there's also Wine.[/citation]
I'm in the same boat - gets expensive. My only saving grace? Academic priced software. Heck, I think I'd rather sign up for a $300 course as a guest student and get my $90 copy of Windows than pay $300+ for a full retail package. However, I do not consider any cloud-based solution viable.


However, I find it interesting that the DOJ and EU jumped on Microsoft for being an OS company trying to gain control of the web market yet little has been heard about the major web search engine/advertiser working its way into various markets (phones/mobile web and now OS). How long until that happens? Any bets on before the release date, after, or never?
First Google trash talks Microsoft on their security. Then they announce a new OS. They're just trying to frighten the masses into a different OS. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being like a Mac thing. "Oh Macs don't get viruses" (Replace Mac with Chrome doesn't) I guess I just don't see the OS taking over anything. It is sad however how Google played this out going after Microsoft.

The fact is that Microsoft is still ahead of the Mac OS in terms of overall security. It's just attacked much more often because Microsoft based OSs hold so much more of the market share. Ah well, I suppose only time will tell.
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