[citation][nom]hixbot[/nom]"thought sometimes sinister was afoot." ?? please proof read.[/citation]
If you don't know what you're talking about then shut your mouth (err, or stop typing, whatever) - OJ is a murderer where the law failed the victims due to a really messed up trial - it happens all the time, not just to rich people. The legal system really wanted MJ to be prosecuted, but there was simply no real case against him. I don't know if he really was or was not a child molester, and neither do you, nor could the legal system prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas the evidence was there pointing at OJ's guilt. The glove not fitting was just a fiasco and it sealed OJ's fate as "innocent". Oh yeah, btw, to all those still watching CNN, get real news, in real time from BBC, or CBC. Forget about CNN, it's old, broken, and wrong. Ciao!