Google Working On VR Shoes That Let You Walk Forever In Your Living Room

Nov 16, 2018
you can certainly move around as usual in games: with an analog stick

VR shoes and treadmills are a waste of money and physical effort. I'm already trashed in less than an hour playing real combat by swinging a virtual sword in my hand, let alone by actually running around with my own legs

that's no way for forward for adoption of VR
Nov 17, 2018
Welp, pack it up boys. This one guy on the internet is too out off shape to walk in place for a couple of minutes. I guess no one anywhere ever will want a fully immersive VR experience.

Sorry but dumbing down VR is only going to kill the market. It's already a cheap gimmick in most people's eyes and there's virtually no money to be made.

You need something innovative that people will actually want to spend money on, not "Oh hey look it's like a regular game but I move the camera with my head instead of a mouse/stick. Neat.".
Nov 17, 2018
I'd like to see VR head in the direction of The Matrix where I could lie down and "plug in".

I can't imagine playing something like Fallout 4 with those shoes, besides the fact I don't want to walk the entire map of Boston, I'm pretty sure I can't outrun a Deathclaw IRL, or chase down a group of Raiders, which brings me to a point; how are they going to simulate running? Which you do in 99% of action, rpg, open world, or survival games.

I don't want to rely on Jarvis stopping my Ironman shoes before I crash thru a window in my house, lol.

Moonwalking in an adventure game? Sure.
Moonrunning for your life in Dying Light? I'll pass.