I have more faith in something like this producing solar power than conventional solar cells. Semiconductor solar-cells are too particular to the wavelengths they respond to and their efficiency suffers as a result (although they are getting better with the newer multiple layer devices). After billions of years of tinkering by evolution, the various chlorophyll compounds are pretty efficient at harvesting from broad regions of solar energy and should provide us with a pretty good starting block for designing our own.
[citation][nom]maestintaolius[/nom]After billions of years of tinkering by evolution, the various chlorophyll compounds are pretty efficient at harvesting from broad regions of solar energy and should provide us with a pretty good starting block for designing our own.[/citation]
Actually, that's not necessarily the case. Plants generally only have an energy conversion efficiency of around 3-6%.
[citation][nom]maestintaolius[/nom]I have more faith in something like this producing solar power than conventional solar cells. Semiconductor solar-cells are too particular to the wavelengths they respond to and their efficiency suffers as a result (although they are getting better with the newer multiple layer devices). After billions of years of tinkering by evolution, the various chlorophyll compounds are pretty efficient at harvesting from broad regions of solar energy and should provide us with a pretty good starting block for designing our own.[/citation]
Chlorophyll is actually rather particular too. I'm not sure how particular compared to semiconductors, but just a little trivia fact.
So basically we are covering our own asses for the time when all trees are gone?
It's a nice idea, but the fact is photosynthesis it's the way for plants to produces their living energy as we do with eating, sleeping, etc. What are they planning on feeding with the energy produces by this artificial process? is enough to do what exactly?
In the long run, they could be making the building blocks of plastics with something like this. That would relieve us of our dependency on fossil fuels. Makes plastics available unlimited.
Same with gasoline, imagine being able to set solar panels that convert the air and water into gasoline, petrol, hydrogen, fuel.
This is big, very big. Hope they will be able to pull it off.
[citation][nom]DjEaZy[/nom]... commercialize is the key word... not find a way to implement free energy solutions... if there is no buck to make, nothing gonna happen...[/citation]
It concerns me a little that the same amount of money is being invested in finding alternate power sources as is to pay the salary of one NFL running back for 6 years.
[citation][nom]Zulu191[/nom]It concerns me a little that the same amount of money is being invested in finding alternate power sources as is to pay the salary of one NFL running back for 6 years.[/citation]
The NFL running back doesn't get paid by the government, he gets paid because most everyone in the US loves football. If everyone wasn't spending money on football in the US he wouldn't get paid that much.