GT 750m SLI Vs GT 650m SLI


Nov 10, 2012
is the 750m SLI much better than the 650m SLI? i was planning on buying a y500 SLI this summer off newegg for 1k$ but recently Lenovo released the 750m SLI on their site for 1.149K$ so im wondering is the 750m worth the 150 extra dollars or is newegg/amazon going to start carrying the 750m SLIs soon for about the price the 650m SLIs were going for. I want to play games like Boderlands 2, Far Cry 3:BD, TF2, Bioshock Infinite, Minecraft, Skyrim, etc. at 1600X900 or 1920X1080 with medium settingas or more at 30+fps

PS: i kinda want the 650m SLI because it comes with a free backpack also would i be good with a single GT 750m?
750m SLI should be substantially stronger than 650m SLI. Clockspeed wise 650m runs at something like 790 mhz in the y500 (lenovo has removed the max turbo speed so it never turbos to 835 mhz like other 650ms). The 750m runs at something like 967 mhz + boost (not sure if boost is deactivated). Either way it is something like a 22% boost in clockspeed and so probably a 20% increase in performance (possibly more in SLI).


Sep 26, 2012
I am in your situation right now. I will be buying a Y500 with a single GT 750M for college (The Lenovo website said the laptop had a Matte screen but now it describes it as Glossy so I will have to call and check).

Anyways, I think if you wait just a little bit more prices WILL go down. Keep in mind that Haswell is released and Ivy Bridge laptops will begin to drop in price. If you are waiting then you will probably need to wait until September or October. If the wait is too long for you just go for the $1,149. It's a decent price with awesome specs and the extra months that you will enjoy the laptop would definitely be worth it.


Jan 15, 2012
750m SLI should be substantially stronger than 650m SLI. Clockspeed wise 650m runs at something like 790 mhz in the y500 (lenovo has removed the max turbo speed so it never turbos to 835 mhz like other 650ms). The 750m runs at something like 967 mhz + boost (not sure if boost is deactivated). Either way it is something like a 22% boost in clockspeed and so probably a 20% increase in performance (possibly more in SLI).


Sep 26, 2011
I own a y500 and I just ordered the extra graphic card for 115$ and 90$ for the 170w power brick, newer is always better, but think about it this way, the difference will be roughly 20% in performance if not less, so you will be gaining roughly 8fps more in games, there isn`t a world of difference like for example a 17fps or 20fps, come to think of it I thought about selling my y500 and getting y510 but then I realized selling my laptop for 8fps or even less is not worth it, because games which run smooth in like 45fps in y500 will run 53fps in y510 are you gonna notice that, probably but not dramatically, so games which run at 25fps in y500 will run at 35fps, so its not smoother.
thats my estimation from reading around and seeing the clocks.