Gunner Kicks Off Samsung Gear VR Gaming

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Feb 10, 2011
Ah, that "shooting with your nose" thing... I'd advise people first trying some of the Durovis Dive demos, I think the nearest similar game is the one that you shoot at asteroids in an asteroid belt. It quickly wears off, really. For VR to work you need also tracking of you hand(s) as a minimum, and preferably your torso too. Otherwise you don't really interact with the VR, but rather feel you are in a capsule as a visitor travelling around the world, but not really being part of it.
Currently there is little in terms of connectivity options for tracking your hands in Android. I guess the best contender would be the wiimote with its bluetooth, but even that is nowhere near being implemented.
The best use of those phone HMDs I have seen is hooking them with reverse usb tether to your PC, streaming the IMU fusion data to the PC and streaming the video feed back from the PC.
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