Sorry dude, but you're not-a-so-distant third in the top three most annoying things in the internet in my list. First is viruses and second is trojans.
We are all spammed daily by every newspaper, billboard, poster, bus adverts, TV commercials, radio stations, product placements and so on. We even get spam in the cinema - pay for the ticked and then have to watch half an hour adverts, now this is what I call annoying spam.
Yet somehow this doesn't bother anyone as much as message that takes 1 second to delete and is received, unlike newspaper I pay for, for absolutely free.
Without tv commericals you could kiss tv goodbye (not necessarily a bad thing...but...) whereas this is "extra" unneccessary advertising on top of tvs and newspapaers that doesn't have that same issue. It's some lazy guy in his bedroom making more money in a day than some people see in a month and not being the least bit bothered about little things like morals or ethics. It's everything we hate about "just business" in one neat little package.
[citation][nom]eiskrystal[/nom]Without tv commericals you could kiss tv goodbye (not necessarily a bad thing...but...) whereas this is "extra" unneccessary advertising on top of tvs and newspapaers that doesn't have that same issue. It's some lazy guy in his bedroom making more money in a day than some people see in a month and not being the least bit bothered about little things like morals or ethics. It's everything we hate about "just business" in one neat little package.[/citation]
BBC has no adverts and yet makes fantastic documentaries, TV shows and series. Can you explain it?
And how about billboards and posters? Daily bunch of leaflets through the letterbox?
BBC is paid for by UK taxpayers tv license, we are forced to pay for our good documentaries but also crap like doctor who...hell you even have to pay if your blind ffs.
[citation][nom]david6005[/nom]BBC is paid for by UK taxpayers tv license, we are forced to pay for our good documentaries but also crap like doctor who...hell you even have to pay if your blind ffs.[/citation]
I don't have TV at home so don't need to pay TV license, and I can still enjoy most of it for free on BBC iPlayer, from Top Gear to BBC Horizon movies.
My point is that I don't care that much about spam. It's like bad weather, traffic jams and "50% discount on window blinds" leaflets I find in my house every week. I can't do anything about it, so I won't waste my life complaining.
Spammers are improving the AI that automates it, taking live comments from other sites in similar topics and mixing them up in an attempt to look human and lure people into shady corners of the web.
Some are making enough of a profit to justify human de-captcha-ers or human posters, up to sophistication levels of PR representatives luring in popular forums and playing the role of fanboys.
It is a losing battle, more and more work and effort by all advertisers for less and less sensitivity to advertising for all of us. And censoring the internet is not an acceptable option under any circumstance, so, I'm sad at the future and when they will invade our dreams, futurama style.
[citation][nom]jtt283[/nom]I hope someone hunts this guy down like an animal and puts him down. No matter how trivial his violations of TOS are, he is still guilty of willful wrongdoing.[/citation]
I hope to God you don't own a firearm. Or a sharp stick. Or are ever let out of your house unsupervised...
[citation][nom]FishyFish[/nom] My point is that I don't care that much about spam. It's like bad weather, traffic jams and "50% discount on window blinds" leaflets I find in my house every week. I can't do anything about it, so I won't waste my life complaining.[/citation]
Exactly. It takes a certain kind of uptight to get genuinely upset by something as trivial as spamming and trolling and yet so many people are genuinely incensed by it. If it's that traumatic for you then get off the internet and get a life.
[citation][nom]alhanelem[/nom]well its not like he is stealing money from people, just MAKING money off of them.if thats bad its really up to someone's opinion[/citation]
There is a key on your keyboard (to the right of the [; :] key). Un-shifted it is the single quote ('). When you mean to create word contractions, it is placed between the two words where letters are eliminated. If you mean to use the possessive of 'it' (its), that's fine, but, of course, then your sentence makes no sense. If you want to contract 'it is', you use the word "it's" (it's a different word). Same goes for "that's", etc. Get it? (I'll leave capitalization, spacing and punctuation for a later lesson - don't want to overload you)
I read the article. I don't understand where the money comes from? Is he selling something? Is he stealing CC#s? Is it just a 'web traffic' thing? Someone is PAYING him the money... Who?
[citation][nom]jacobdrj[/nom]I read the article. I don't understand where the money comes from? Is he selling something? Is he stealing CC#s? Is it just a 'web traffic' thing? Someone is PAYING him the money... Who?[/citation]
People that buy his bots after reading this article