Hdmi connection of dvd to tv hdmi says no signal


Dec 12, 2016
HDMI on Samsung TV is connected to HDMI on Toshiba DVD player, but I get 'no signal' error. How do I correct this?
More info: Samsung TV model P2770HD and Toshiba DVD model SDK1000. I've tried 5 different HDMI cables and reversed the connections. Also, unplugged TV and DVD and HDMI for 60 sec, replug TV and DVD, turn on TV, plug in HDMI to TV and set to HDMI then plug HDMI to DVD and power it on. Still no signal. TV is Anynet+ and DVD is CE LINK (Regaza Link). Should be simple connection, right?
I get the same problem with my 2770hd when I try to connect my camera (nikon d7100) but it works fine with my blu-ray player and my camera is fine on my other TV.

I got it to work last night but it wouldn't work today when it tried.

Getting really frustrated with it.