Headphone + Mic setup


Dec 20, 2014

I'm in the market for a good headphone + mic setup that will be used for gaming (PC and PS4 (if possible) ) as well as general use for music and watching movies/shows and going to the gym to name a few use cases. Essentially trying to find a good balance/all in one solution for me.

I've done a bit of research for a week or so now and still can't really decide what would be best for my use case. As far as a budget goes the total amount I want to spend is no more than $150 for both headphone and mic but am flexible enough if the product is compelling enough. The mic would have to be able to attach the headphones. Not interested in desktop mics.

type of music I listen to is mostly hip hop but my music library is pretty diverse. Just no country music. don't know if that piece of info will be beneficial.

Thanks in advance

I recently changed my headphones because I am gaming less and listening to more music and movies.

I bought some Sennheisers HD 558 and a AntLion ModMic. What I like about the modmic is that you can attach it to any headphone and it works great. I live in canada so I paid more for the products I just listed and I am suprised that a compination of both arrives close to your budget.

For the sounds quality of the Sennheisers I find them amazing compared to the SteelSeries Siberia v2 that I used to use.

I hope this helps you a little bit!

I recently changed my headphones because I am gaming less and listening to more music and movies.

I bought some Sennheisers HD 558 and a AntLion ModMic. What I like about the modmic is that you can attach it to any headphone and it works great. I live in canada so I paid more for the products I just listed and I am suprised that a compination of both arrives close to your budget.

For the sounds quality of the Sennheisers I find them amazing compared to the SteelSeries Siberia v2 that I used to use.

I hope this helps you a little bit!

hey thanks for the reply, question about the headphones you use. Does the sound bleed out? Meaning if I crank the volume too loud would they be audible to someone? I don't plan on rocking out to head bangers or anything but my previous headphones (SkullCandy Hesh 2) where very audible when I cranked it up a bit too high
Yes the Sennheisers HD 558 are a open ear format but it's not every Sennheiser headset that are like that.

But after testing both I find that the open ear sounds better overall but that comes down to preference.
Hmm interesting. I've read up a little on that (open ear vs closed ear) headphones. Don't think I've personally ever paid attention to that before haha. But is good that you brought that up. Wouldn't want to be a nuisance in the gym but it looks like the headphones you suggested got pretty solid reviews. Could you recommend a closed ear pair that you've tried in the past by any chance?
I'm a fan of Sennheiser since most of my family are into music and they've always used those headphones so I would suggest the Sennheiser HD 439 or the Sennheiser HD 449 . I have to say headphones are dead cheap in the US ( I live on montreal , Quebec ). There's a few other good companies that make good quality headphones like Beyerdynamic and Audio Technica but they are usually more expensive than Sennheisers...

I hope this helps!

Oh wow did not realize that. Thanks for the heads up. Guess I'll need to look into that. I assume the modmic mentioned would have something for that or is that same situation?

The ModMic has a small base clamp that you can stick on your headphones and plug in to the PC. You can watch the video on this page to see how it works. I really enjoy it !