Headphones don't cut off speakers.


Sep 7, 2006
Hi, when i plug in my headphones to my new pc i can hear the sound through them but the sound also continues to come out of my speakers. The insertion of my headphone jack does not cut off the speakers as is normal. Does anyone know how i can fix this or is it a faulty wiring job?

Many thanks
pc specs usually help here.

if you ahve a x-fi by default they should cut them off, although there is an option for them not to so make sure it is unchecked.

if you use onbaord have a look through its sound options to make sure there is no similar option.
I had the same problem. I fix it by installing the latest sound codec for the windows xp (I'm using xp). My sound card is from realtek, and so I went to realtek site. They have these codecs.