K KD1316 Estimable Mar 21, 2015 1 0 4,510 Mar 21, 2015 #1 My laptop has 2 audio jacks - one for the headphones and one for mic but my new headphones have a single jack so the mic isn't working. Please help...
My laptop has 2 audio jacks - one for the headphones and one for mic but my new headphones have a single jack so the mic isn't working. Please help...
eob2000 Honorable Jul 28, 2013 28 0 10,590 Mar 23, 2015 #2 The headset you have is designed for a mobile device with a single jack, what you need is something like this: http/www.ebuyer.com/271511-startech-com-3-5mm-4-position-to-2x-3-position-3-5mm-headset-splitter-adapter-muyhsfmm?utm_source=google&utm_medium=products&gclid=CNiCq4y2v8QCFQHMtAodpGsAtw Upvote 0 Downvote
The headset you have is designed for a mobile device with a single jack, what you need is something like this: http/www.ebuyer.com/271511-startech-com-3-5mm-4-position-to-2x-3-position-3-5mm-headset-splitter-adapter-muyhsfmm?utm_source=google&utm_medium=products&gclid=CNiCq4y2v8QCFQHMtAodpGsAtw