Hi there - I'm using windows 10 and a headset with a mic. Without the headset plugged in, my mic works fine. With the headset plugged in, the headphones work fine but I absolutely can't get my mic to work. I've tried this same headset with my phone, and the mic works on my phone. I've also tried a different headset on both, and same story. I've uninstalled the realtek and re-installed the drivers from their site without a difference. The microphone is my default device and picks everything up until the moment I plug in my headset and choose 'headset with microphone' from the pop-up dialogue box. I'm using an adaptor as my headset is split to plug them in the the 3.5 mm jack, but as mentioned, they work fine with my phone.
Any help would be very very very much appreciated!!
Any help would be very very very much appreciated!!