Help finding DAC under $200 (noob)


Aug 13, 2012
I'm very new to the DAC world. In fact I'm new to the high quality audio world in general. I have my own custom rig but I don't have a separate sound card because I didn't think it mattered. I currently use the audio chipset built into my mobo and some Steel Series Siberia V2's as my headset. I've recently been interested in upgrading my audio and I've been interested in buying a DAC to do so. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on which one to buy under $200. I do gaming, I like to listen to music, and occasionally watch movies.
if you intend to use z506 speakers and a sibera v2....

i dont thing going with an external DAC/AMP is right for you.

you might benefit by going with a soundcard upgrade (like a $50-80 asus xonar card) if you feel that your current onboard sound isnt doing you any good but dont expect a huge improvment unless your onboard is trash.

an external amp/dac would be recommended if you had lets say a nice pair of studio headphones or some nice speakers and you wanted to hook them up to a digital port from your pc using a DAC+Stereo amp combo.

unless of course you were referring to a soundcard when you said DAC. which technically it is however normally we would just say soundcard to eliminate confusion.

Well I have the Steel Series Siberia V2's that I wanted to use. I'd rather not have to buy some expensive headphones. But I also use my Logitech Surround Sound Speakers (Z506) a lot. I usually only use my headset when I'm in a call or when my roommate is trying to sleep/do homework. If I couldn't hook them both up to the DAC, it's fine because I have my speakers plugged into the front so the cable is easily accessible to insert into the DAC.
if you intend to use z506 speakers and a sibera v2....

i dont thing going with an external DAC/AMP is right for you.

you might benefit by going with a soundcard upgrade (like a $50-80 asus xonar card) if you feel that your current onboard sound isnt doing you any good but dont expect a huge improvment unless your onboard is trash.

an external amp/dac would be recommended if you had lets say a nice pair of studio headphones or some nice speakers and you wanted to hook them up to a digital port from your pc using a DAC+Stereo amp combo.

unless of course you were referring to a soundcard when you said DAC. which technically it is however normally we would just say soundcard to eliminate confusion.