Help me please


Jan 30, 2010
My laptop will stop working suddenly about a minutes and the hard disk symbol lamp will turn on until my laptop going back to normal.
What should i do to prevent this problem?


More details, please. You haven't really told us what happens.

What do you mean by "stop working"? Does the screen go black? Does it freeze? Does it shut off? What do you mean it'll stop working suddenly about a minute? Does it work for a set amount of time and then stop working? Does it only work for a minute? Does this occur before or after you boot into Windows?


Jan 30, 2010
Sorry, i don't know how to describe for more detail. But I will try it. For example, when I use microsoft office word or power point 2007, it is often and repeatedly my screen will freeze and I cannot move anything although the mouse. All operation in that time will stop working, the screen will freeze. It will remain freeze about a minutes. At the same time, the light symbol harddisk will light up continuously. After that, it will come to normal again. The light symbol harddisk will not continuous light up and microsoft office will run like a normal. It also will occur when I surfing internet and playing games. The screen will freeze and all running program will stop working for a moment, the light symbol harddisk will continuously light up until all program running as normal



Sounds like a software problem.

I would disable all of your start-up programs for now, and then re-enable them one by one until the problem occurs again. Then you've found the application causing the issue. If you can't find one, then the problem likely lies with Windows.