I have a Dell Studio 1558. It has been getting quite slow lately since it's been ages since I've formatted. So I decided to format it via USB. No sooner had I formatted my System drive and started installing Windows 7 (the Installing Windows option), the laptop switched off abruptly. Thinking it was just an accident I repeated the same process and in 5 minutes, it switched off again. Tried some times and it's the same problem. Took it to a laptop mech and he said it might be a heatsink problem so he fixed the heatsink, but the same thing happened again, albeit after ~10 mins.
So could anyone let me know what might be the issue? The lappy was fine till I formatted it and started installing Windows. It surely isn't a GFX problem since it doesn't have an OS yet. So is my motherboard conked or is it just a heatsink problem which wasn't fixed correctly? Surely installing the OS and this happening is a coincidence?
I also had a motherboard issue previously and got it fixed.
PS. The lappy is getting heated up pretty quickly, especially at the fan area, so I'm hoping it's just a heatsink problem.
Any input would be hugely appreciated. Thanks a lot.
I have a Dell Studio 1558. It has been getting quite slow lately since it's been ages since I've formatted. So I decided to format it via USB. No sooner had I formatted my System drive and started installing Windows 7 (the Installing Windows option), the laptop switched off abruptly. Thinking it was just an accident I repeated the same process and in 5 minutes, it switched off again. Tried some times and it's the same problem. Took it to a laptop mech and he said it might be a heatsink problem so he fixed the heatsink, but the same thing happened again, albeit after ~10 mins.
So could anyone let me know what might be the issue? The lappy was fine till I formatted it and started installing Windows. It surely isn't a GFX problem since it doesn't have an OS yet. So is my motherboard conked or is it just a heatsink problem which wasn't fixed correctly? Surely installing the OS and this happening is a coincidence?
I also had a motherboard issue previously and got it fixed.
PS. The lappy is getting heated up pretty quickly, especially at the fan area, so I'm hoping it's just a heatsink problem.
Any input would be hugely appreciated. Thanks a lot.