Help with HDMI 2.0 Switch


Aug 29, 2015
Hello, I have my Xbox One S setup between my 4K tv and a monitor. I use the tv for certain games but mainly 4K movies and the monitor for my gaming. Right now I'm unplugging and re plugging in the corresponding hdmi cable every time I want to use a certain display. I'm wondering if someone could help me find a HDMI Switch that supports 1 input to 2 outputs and supports 4K. My TV does not support HDR but does support 10 bit. I have searched online and am on and I am not sure what I'm looking at. Thank you for everyone's help in advance.
It should be fine your tv supports up to 2.0 hdmi cables

Also the second switch would be a better bet for you, after looking at the specs of the tv it should do what you need it to do.
I would use 4k hdmi port strictly for movies and other online streaming services like netflix and hulu.
Let the other ports on your tv go for the computer and gaming console.
On my sanyo tv I use my blu-ray player as the secondary and use the main one as my display for my computer.
Less struggling, no 3rd party switcher, no irritating call to technical support in case I screw up something or the tv breaks because of it.
Thank you for your response. The tv is an LG 65UB9500. The first switch you posted says it's only supports up to HDMI v1.4. Is that adequate for my tv? The second switch you posted says 1 out out and 4 inputs. The first switch is closer to what I need. Thanks again.
It should be fine your tv supports up to 2.0 hdmi cables

Also the second switch would be a better bet for you, after looking at the specs of the tv it should do what you need it to do.
I would use 4k hdmi port strictly for movies and other online streaming services like netflix and hulu.
Let the other ports on your tv go for the computer and gaming console.
On my sanyo tv I use my blu-ray player as the secondary and use the main one as my display for my computer.
Less struggling, no 3rd party switcher, no irritating call to technical support in case I screw up something or the tv breaks because of it.