Hi I am looking for a laptop that will play the sims 4 any ideas please

Minimum requirements for the game are for base game only. Look to recommended requirements for the game which are mid range gaming desktop not laptop. Laptops are weaker than desktop. You need a higher end gaming laptop if you want to survive the whole game adding eps, patches, packs etc. The game is not a complete game yet so it will get more and more demanding as you add more. Look for a laptop with an Nvidia video card GTX 860m or 960m, processor should be i7 HQ or MQ and computer ram 8gb. These laptops can run $1000 estimate. MSI, ASUS ROG or Cyberpower Fangbook are some good choices. If that is out of your price range you might want to think about a gaming desktop. You can get one cheaper and they are better for gaming.