Hi Maziar! Is your laptop working fine?


Jul 26, 2007
Hi Maziar! How's your laptop doing?Checked out a couple of indian sites and lots of people are having problems with 8600 and 8400 graphic cards on dell laptops.Dell is not offering any solution except a bios update which increases the fan speed and thus
ineffect delays the inevitable death until the warranty runs out.
There's no word on whether fresh orders have the problem sorted
at the hardware level.Maybe Tom's Hardware should ask Dell what
solutions they are offering.Me and 4 more friends will not be
buying xps1730s cause of dell's attitude to its existing customers.
What a shame, I read your xps review and was very keen on getting myself one and now this.
Hello mate :)

Well today i found what is the problem:

Guys i found what is the problem
I was playing COD4 and suddenly the color of almots everything,for example the doors went black,grass went yellow....


I payed $3200 for it and i got help from my family,it was hard for me to buy it and only few days it was fine and now this happend 🙁
To Maziar- Sager not available in India

To Lostandwondering- If I buy a brand new ford car and the airconditioning is faulty, Ford can't say take the car to the ac component
manufacturer. Lost faith in dell.

Maz's problem is not that Dell isn't honoring the warranty or isn't willing to replace the defective product, it's that the unit he bought wasn't sold in Iran so he went out of country to get it. If he wants an warranty work done on it he has to send it back to the UK. Dell is not the only company having issues with their cards, this is something that is plaguing a wide range of cards come from a multitude of companies.
To Lostandwondering-
No offence pal,its just that Dell's attitude is bad-Instead of acknowledging
the problem they offer bios updates which just increase the fan speed and delays the unevitable death.This covers them until the warranty runs out and then they charge u for repairs.Thats not fair,if a part is faulty is u replace.PERIOD.Furthermore all nvidia gpus are faulty including 8800s which Maziar has got and not just 8400,8700 and 8600 which dell wants u to believe.Its just that a minority has has 8800.Dell should atleast tell its customers(including pottential would be) that no defective gpus would be supplied.Me and my friends were planning to buy xps1730 after reading Mazier's review.Infact I told them about xps1730 and they agreed.They would have probablly killed me if their brand new $4000 laptop went up in smoke.Believe me I was a big fan of Dell and and I thought my first laptop should be Dell's best. But now no way.

Actually, I'm the one apologizing now. I hadn't read all of the stuff that Dell had put out about the GPU issue. I did not realize that the BIOS update only changed the fan speeds. That does indeed suck.
To- ihateibuypower-
Depends on which card u bought from sager and when did u buy your laptop.If u have a 9800 u may get lucky.In anycase contact sager.By the way any heating problems/fan goes on overdrive?
To- lostandwondering- no need to appologise pal,we r here to discuss our
experiences and help each other.Let's hope Maziar's laptop comes back in top condition after repairs from UK.
Sager notebooks are actually just rebranded Clevo models. If you can find a Clevo reseller near you, then you'll be getting the same hardware, just not the support of said company. I highly recommend Clevo's notebooks, they're built very well, and have excellent cooling capabilities. I have a Sager NP5793, aka the Clevo M570-RU. It has an 8800m GTX and it's still kicking strong after several months of use. It can handle anything. I made a review on the notebook, it's in the forum someplace...

Here she is!

well i just bought the laptop from xoticpc. the np8660 which uses the 9800GPU. its on back order though cause the WUXGA screens havent arrived yet and wont until the end of august 🙁. in any case i hope i get lucky. also sent my M1330 back to dell in Texas for complete repair/replacement. everything was wrong with it i dont even get it. Anyways, im expecting great things from the sager.
Ugh, I feel for you Maziar, that's terrible. Damn... I don't suppose you can convince Dell to pay for your shipping right? I can't remember what their warranty is.

Thanks mate
Convince dell to pay for my shipping? my uncle got it from UK store and when he came to IRAN he gave it to me