Hi problem with tosh a l350-171 old but until I moved home it worked ok . Now it will let me sign in then goes completely whit

Allan Miles

Feb 25, 2016
White screen after signing in old toshiba L350- 171 moved house and was , I think we'll packed , but now not working . Is this bin material or reasonable cost fix . Help please , I am a complete dinosaur with computers
Thank s Allan

Here are some troubleshooting steps that may help in solving the issue.
- Start by doing a hard reboot, remove the battery and unplug its AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then try booting it up again.
- If these will not work, connect an external monitor and see if the same problem will persist or not.
- If it will be the same with the external monitor it could mean that the operating system can be corrupted.
- Try doing a Factory Reset with your laptop to reinstall Windows.
- Here's how to do a Factory Reset with your laptop: https://support.toshiba.com/support/viewContentDetail?contentId=2737864

Allan Miles

Feb 25, 2016