Question High-End MSI Gaming Laptop struggling to preform in under-demanding games such as Rocket League, continual frame drops in a few games.

Feb 4, 2021
I have recently been experiencing frame drops from my laptop. I have recently bought a Samsung 240 hz monitor connected via HDMI cable, and was having issues with FPS in Rust, so in order to hopefully solve the problem (it didn't), I wiped windows, and did a "clean" install of windows. I then updated all my drivers, ensured that my windows was up to date, and have been browsing reddit and tom's guide for a solution, trying everything I see, but nothing is working, so I'm kind of at my wit's end. Any assistance is appreciated! V-sync is off, and my settings are on low.

My DxDiag:


Feb 20, 2018
Maybe you are running the games on the integrated graphics instead of your RTX 2070 graphic card?

Alternatively, try running the game in both fullscreen and borderless window modes, sometimes that does it.

You might want to have only 1 screen on at a time, too. Sometimes when you have two screens on, the game will actually generate one image for each screen instead of just duplicating the output, causing heavy slowdowns.

It could very well be a Rust specific issue, so if you can't reproduce your FPS drops in other games I'd ask on the Rust forum itself.