high tempreture of dell n5521 on gaming


Apr 26, 2013
i recently bought dell n5521 core i5 wid amd car..
i insatlled core temp soft... ma nrmal temp, when am using web and listening songs .... it goes to 56 degrees... bt during games it goess to 72 degrees.. nd even touched 79 max.....
am also using soling bad, bt it didnt helped!!
You could also lower the CPU speed. Try turning off Turbo Boost. That can be done by going to your Advanced Power Settings and then in Processor Power Management set the Maximum processor State to 99%. This will prevent the CPU from overclocking itself.
Which component is reaching that temperature? If it's the graphics card, you have nothing to worry about. In case of the CPU it should be fine too. Laptop components can stand a little more heat than desktop components.

What you could try is cleaning the fan, see if there is dust in there.
how to clean? i jst bought it 3 days ago!! can it take dust so early!!
nd i m using core temp software, it give overall tempreture...... so boht core goes 60 to 77 degress
nd my fan when temp gets too hot... like croosing 70
this is not a high temp. If you are playing a decent game, and you are below 80C then that's pretty dang good. If you start to get higher than 90C, then you should start to worry. Like Thomas said, laptops can handle a bit more heat than a desktop. I don't think you have anything to worry about, thats pretty normal. Lots of heat in that small area.
i played, cod 4 nd nfs most wanted 2012..... nd max it had gone to 79 degrees boht cores!!... the thing is , when i put my fingers on its touchpad, its too damn hot.... this things makes me woory!!
72C is fine for a CPU in a laptop. If you are really concerned then get a cooling pad which could lower the temps perhaps by up to 5C.

Another way to help reduce the temp is by replacing the thermal paste with a high quality thermal paste like Phobya HeGrease or Sin Etsu x23 7783D. However, Arctic Silver 5 is still very good even though it has been around for sometime. This step involves taking your laptop apart to clean the existing thermal paste and applying the new thermal paste. Needless to say, this will void your warranty.

But at I originally stated, 72C is fine.
You could also lower the CPU speed. Try turning off Turbo Boost. That can be done by going to your Advanced Power Settings and then in Processor Power Management set the Maximum processor State to 99%. This will prevent the CPU from overclocking itself.
gaming on the i5 though, you may actually need the turbo boost when you are playing some high end gaming. But all in all thanks Jaguar, i dind't even know that. I am going to try that next time i sit down and play some games! cheers.
jagour.... i m using coolin pad... it is of wind cooll!! nd the fan speed is very very low.......
btw, i have gone to 79degree max.... tell me if its about to woory!!
thankxx all 4 ur reply!!
79 is -not- a high temp while gaming. If you are playing COD for a good amount of time, and you are sitting at 79C, you have nothing to worry about. It may be hot, but this is just transfer heat. If the actual components are in the safe zone, the laptop should be fine.
Assuming you are running Windows 7...

1. Click Start button.
2. Click Control Panel on the right side of the menu.
3. Click System and Security.
4. Click Power Options.
5. Click "Change plan settings" for whichever profile that has been check off. (typically it's High Performance)
6. Click "Change advanced power settings"
7. Scroll down and click to expand "Processor power management"
8. Click to expand "Maximum processor state"
9. Change from 100% down to 99% to turn off Turbo Boost
10. Click "OK"

To further reduce the clock speed lower it to 90%. 91% - 98% does nothing, at least on my laptop with an i5-2410m.
thankxx jaguarskx 4 ur help.... i have set it to 99!! nd nw will play games nd tell if it heats
last night i meet a harware engineer, he said to me if ur laotop had reached 80 or 81 degree(as it have reached) it could be dead anytime..... when i told him it wz jst 1 nce... den he said, do try nt to croos 78 degree... as it could effect display problems