News House of the Dragon season 2 ratings prove I was completely wrong about Game of Thrones

It’s actually nice to see someone who can admit when they were wrong about something. Too much arrogance everywhere. There’s nothing wrong when admitting you were wrong. It shows a strength so many people have lost or that many never had.
They may have got lot viewers but in my opinion the episode 1 s2 was a flop it was like they were introducing ppl all over again and had no action or twist lucky for them im try get to all that stuff and ill come bk for episode 2
Even with the disastrous ending to Game of Thrones, it's still easy to slip back into Westeros while it's being handled competently. Martin is second to none in world building and his fantasy series has a depth to it nothing else has.

His writing is fantastic stuff, and the one saving grace to the dumb ending of the main story arc is that we still haven't seen his version. We may never at this point, but that slim hope of a better conclusion to the song of ice and fire can keep the whole thing afloat.