House Presses on With CISPA Despite Veto Threat

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Mar 13, 2006
If Obama vetoes this that will almost make up for his horrible track record on privacy issues. Almost. Not that the Republicans have been any better. I don't want to give up my freedom/privacy for anything. Anarchy would be better than a military police state.


Jan 19, 2012
Why does everyone get so excited about politics? We basically have a one party system loyal to the top 1% of society and the Supreme Court made sure that this stays the same. By making companies the power brokers capable to fund anyone with unlimited money, they can easily place the next President of the United States in the white house. We just flip flop from one party to the other that has close ties to a segment of the TOP 1%. Democrats are design to throw bones at the middle class and the poor to avoid riots by the 99% majority. Republicans are there to take away those bones and give them back to the top 1%. They both work hand in hand. Democrats complained that the middle class bush tax cuts were about to expire but did nothing to extend it even though they had support and the majority in both houses. They waited until the Republicans complained everywhere about the deficit and the republicans took control of the house in just two years. The first bill that the republicans were successful was to increase the deficit by a trillion dollars to save the tax break for the wealthy in order to save the tax breaks for the middle class. This is similar to having a bill that increases the salary of congressmen and senators that are criticized by all but automatically becomes law when the bill is not voted upon. The consumer protection law was weakened supposedly just to get a few republicans to support the bill, the health care bill was weakened supposedly in order to get one republican vote. The truth is they don’t want their wealthy backers to complain. The TOP 1% pays half the tax percentage that the middle class pays and they help create a lot of jobs overseas by investing it on companies with factories that are overseas. Most of the income of the top 1% comes from capital gains and the republicans always fight to get rid of it so the wealthy no longer pays taxes on the majority of their income. Democrat talks about the Buffet rule but knows it will not pass. The problem of unemployment is that we have no incentives for companies to buy American made products. All companies depreciate their foreign made purchases exactly as American made products. After five years they get their money back as a depreciation expense but the foreign workers don’t pay taxes to offset the tax break to companies.
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