how accurate is GPU-Z?


Nov 23, 2013
I have an 15 4670 @ 3.4ghz and a palit 2gb gtx 770. I decided to download GPU-Z to have a look at my tempuratures. Firstly i played shogun 2 for a couple of hours, ad then exited the game, started up the gpu-z and it said my temprature was between 40-46c (was abit confused seeing as people usually report there cards going up to 70+c) so thought it was just because hsogun 2 is more cpu heavy. So a while after i tried batman arkham origins, again played for a couple of hours and tried the monitor again, and again it stated between 40-46c (at idle its anywhere bweteen 28-35). So is there a problem? do i need to have the gpu-z aplication running in he background when i start my game for it to monitor correctly, or does the gpu temp just rapidly decrease after you stop playing the game. Just think its a little strane as most people report anaywhere between 60-85c (at clock speeds) and i only have 2 case fans and the cpu fan is nothing special (i try to keep my room cold by having the windw open, its chilly here inthe uk if that makes a difference)
Yes run GPU-Z in the background to get a proper reading because the GPU temp rapidly goes down after the game is stopped or even ALT-Tab out. Once you run GPU-Z and the game at the same time you will read Higher temps.
ahh ok thanks for the info. sowhat would be the best way of doing this then, like running the game then alt tab out, or is there another method (seeing as you sai deven alt tab out can cause temp to drop quickly). Like is there a way to get gpu-z to come up whilst im still in game? or, i can set some of the readings to either (highest recorded temp, lowest, average, current) so if i run gpu-z ad then select the highest recorded temp, then just play the game, when i fiish playing and check gpu-z, the tempurature it reached during gaming should be recorded on there right?

If this doesn't show a HISTORY graph, then you can try one from MSI, EVGA or Asus and see if they work.
Sorry I'm so late responding but better late than never. Just start GPU-Z before the game and click on the sensor tab. start your game and play a while. you can alt-tab out and put your cursor over the red line for temp and it will display the temp it was at at the time frame your cursor is pointing at.

Now I like to use MSI's Afterburner to monitor my GPU temp in game because it will put up an overlay right in the game. Plus it has OCing utility's if you so choose to use them.
I tried the PALIT solution, Thundermaster, and it worked with my Asus GTX680.

Thus, I'm thinking it doesn't matter too much what brand you use except possibly things like FAN CONTROL but I prefer AUTO anyway.

The PALIT solution was functional, but UGLY. You could click "STATUS" to see all your main history graphs though. I saw no in-game options.

So perhaps MSI's solution is best after all.

With msi afterburner, evga precision, his iTurbo, and asus's OC program they are all made off of riva tuner. to enable in game display you need to enable the Riva tuner statistic server. and on the monitoring tab in settings click on each item you want to be displayed then check the show in on screen display box for each one. this will put it on the screen. Some punk buster games do not like the OSD so make sure to turn it off for those games or PB will kick you for having a hook.