M monkey17 Estimable Feb 27, 2015 2 0 4,510 Feb 27, 2015 #1 how can I answer this please help even numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive using loops
Someone Somewhere Splendid Sep 23, 2012 2,081 1 22,265 Feb 27, 2015 #2 Wow. Seriously, read your programming textbook. This isn't hard. What's the point in taking a course if you don't learn anything? We don't know what language you're using, so can't really help. You'll want to look into 'for' loops. Upvote 0 Downvote
Wow. Seriously, read your programming textbook. This isn't hard. What's the point in taking a course if you don't learn anything? We don't know what language you're using, so can't really help. You'll want to look into 'for' loops.
A Alabalcho Judicious Jan 13, 2011 4,162 4 35,260 Feb 27, 2015 #3 Do you know what is an even number? What do you know about loops? Can you write a simple loop printing numbers from 1 to 10? Upvote 0 Downvote
Do you know what is an even number? What do you know about loops? Can you write a simple loop printing numbers from 1 to 10?